1.5T Versus 3T MRI Scan – What Are The Differences And Which Should You Choose?

1.5T Versus 3T MRI Scan – What Are The Differences And Which Should You Choose?

1.5T vs 3T MRI scan


MRI is a common medical imaging technology used when diagnosing and treatment various medical conditions. MRI scans are painless and non-invasive procedure (although a contrast agent may need to be injected into the body to allow a better view). MRI scanners are expensive, complicated machinery and are available only in specialised diagnostic clinics or centres. Most MRI scanners today in 2024 are 1.5T scanners.  AsiaMedic recently installed a SignaTM Hero 3T MRI machine from GE Healthcare (first in Asia Pacific to do so) at its premises at Shaw House.

This article highlights key differences between getting a 3T MRI scan and a 1.5T scan, and how you should choose between the two options.

How Do MRI Scanners Work?

An MRI scanner creates images that show the structure of tissues, organs or bones in the body. Common uses of MRI are to diagnose Ligament injuries, brain disorders, and tumours. MRI machines use magnetic fields and radio waves, so there is no radiation exposure, unlike X-Rays, CT scans and PET scans.

What Is A “T”?

The strength of the magnetic field in MRI machines is measured in Teslas (denoted as “T”). The strength typically ranges from 0.5T to 3T. The strength of the magnetic field in a 3T scanner is twice as strong as that in a 1.5T machine. The greater strength of the magnet in a 3T MRI scanner brings a number of key advantages over a 1.5T machine, but some disadvantages too.

MRI scanners with 1.5T magnetic fields are currently the standard and most common in hospitals around the world. 3T MRI is a more recent advancement the machines are not yet as widely deployed.

Undergoing A 1.5T Scan Versus A 3T MRI Scan

The key differences between undergoing a 1.5T scan versus a 3T MRI scan are as follows:

 1.5T MRI Scanner3T MRI Scanner
Image qualityAdequate for most MRI scansImages are clearer and more vivid. The image signal-to-noise is also less (better).
Scanning SpeedSlower compared to 3T MRI scanner.Takes less time to create a scan. Patients spend less time in the scanner, increasing patient comfort.
Heat and Noise GenerationLess heat and noise generated compared to 3T scanner.More heat is generated due to the higher magnet strength. Some patients might feel discomfort. The level of noise generated by the machine is also higher compared to a 1.5T scanner.
Implant SafetySome implants might not be safe to go into a 1.5T scanner as the magnet may cause issues with the implants.  Some implants that are safe to go into a 1.5T scanner might not be safe going in the 3T scanner, due to the stronger magnet in the 3T machine. Implanted medical devices may be damaged.
Implant ErrorImplants in a body may create errors (“image artifacts”) during an MRI scan.The stronger magnet in 3T scanners increases the problem of image artifact.

How To Choose Between Getting A 1.5T MRI Scan And A 3T MRI Scan

Based on the relative strengths and disadvantages of both types of scanners, you may consider choosing one over the other depending on the following considerations:

 Considerations1.5T MRI Scan or 3T MRI Scan?
SafetyIf you have medical devices or metal implanted in the body (e.g. pacemaker, replacement joints, or shrapnel), you may be better suited for a 1.5T MRI scan.
Part Of The Body To Be ScannedFor brain and musculoskeletal system scan, a 3T MRI scanner can provide clearer and more detailed images.   A 1.5T scanner should be adequate for scans of most other parts of the body.
PregnancyYou should inform your doctor if you are pregnant prior to an MRI, regardless whether it is a 1.5T scan or a 3T one.

Where To Get Diagnostic Imaging In Singapore And Malaysia

Learn more about medical imaging technologies here.

Health365 has healthcare partners in Singapore and Malaysia that provide diagnostic imaging services. Contact us to enquire.

Learn More About Medical Imaging

Learn more on our Medical Imaging page here.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.