10 Tips For Promoting Heart Health – Insights From A Health Screening Specialist

10 Tips For Promoting Heart Health – Insights From A Health Screening Specialist

Tips for heart health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other conditions. More than four out of five CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes, and one third of these deaths occur prematurely in people under 70 years of age (source: WHO). Dr Chrystal Fong, family physician at Asia HealthPartners, shares 10 tips for heart health and longevity from the European Heart Journal article “Ten tips for promoting cardiometabolic health and slowing cardiovascular aging”, and explains the reasons for them.

10 Tips For Promoting Heart Health

The 10 tips from the European Heart Journal article are:

  1. Reduce waist circumference and increase muscle mass.
  2. Adhere to a mimimally processed Mediterranean-like diet.
  3. Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding.
  4. Be physically active every day.
  5. Avoid or limit alcohol consumption.
  6. Do not smoke.
  7. Prioritize quality sleep.
  8. Nourish and protect your mind.
  9. Cultivate friendship, altruism, and compassion.
  10. Minimize pollution exposure and connect with nature.

Insights From Dr Fong On The Reasons For These 10 Tips On Heart Health

Optimization of body composition and muscle function

Prioritizing optimal body composition over mere weight control is crucial for cardiovascular health. Integrating moderate calorie restriction with regular endurance and resistance exercise training forms the cornerstone of mitigating the age-related accumulation of harmful visceral and ectopic fat, while enhancing muscle mass and function, particularly of the large metabolically active gluteofemoral muscles (the buttock, hamstrings and quadriceps – known as the buttock and thighs).

Consumption of a predominantly plant-based Mediterranean-like diet

Consuming a primarily plant-centric fibre-rich diet enriched with fish and low-fat dairy products.

Intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating

For individuals fighting with obesity, alongside regular exercise and cessation of eating at 80% satiety, incorporating intermittent vegetable fasting or time-restricted eating (8- to 10- h window) on nutritionally balanced feasting days may offer complementary strategies for weight management and improved metabolic health.

Engagement in daily physical exercise

Regular physical activity is pivotal for cardiovascular health, leading to reduced visceral adiposity and improvements in glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and lipid profile. Alternating diverse exercise modalities, including aerobic, high-intensity interval training, strength, flexibility, and balance training, for at least 30–60 min daily is recommended for a comprehensive approach to enhancing physical fitness and metabolic outcomes. Incorporating regular 3- to 5-min breaks to counter prolonged sitting can further enhance insulin and lipid metabolism, reducing cardiovascular mortality independently of structured exercise training.

Alcohol abstinence: a prudent choice for cardiovascular health

Contrary to common belief, accumulating evidence shows that alcohol is not beneficial for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. It elevates the risk of hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, flutter, and stroke while promoting cognitive impairment. Moreover, even in small quantities, alcohol consumption can raise cancer risk due to acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic ethanol metabolite. Thus, if you do not drink, it is best not to start, and if you do, keep alcohol intake to a minimum.

Reduce exposure to pollution

Air pollution, even at low levels of fine particulates like PM2.5, is linked to increased cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer mortality. Exposure to PM2.5 and ozone reduces heart rate variability, activates the immune system, and heightens oxidative stress, leading to endothelial dysfunction in both the vasculature and brain.

Prioritization of restorative sleep

Insufficient sleep duration and disrupted sleep patterns are emerging risk factors for the onset and progression of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, ischaemic heart disease, and dementia. Poor sleep quality contributes to chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, heightened oxidative stress, increased sympathetic activity, and disruptions in various hormonal factors, including leptin and ghrelin. Ensuring a bedtime for 7–9 h of sleep, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and switching off electronic devices 30 min before bedtime are important strategies for promoting quality sleep and sustaining cardiovascular health.

Closing Thoughts From Dr Chrystal Fong On Heart Health Improvement

The next time you have your health screening done, spare a moment to reflect on your
lifestyle habits and discuss with your doctor on ways to improve the above towards a better
heart health.

Dr Chrystal Fong, Family Physician & Health Screening Specialist

Health Screening Or Consultation On Heart Health

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