5 Foods Good For Mental Health

5 Foods Good For Mental Health

5 Foods Good For Mental Health

Eat your way to happiness? Certain foods are a good source of essential vitamins, minerals, and compounds, and are said to have mood boosting effects. Here are our pick for 5 foods good for mental health.

List of 5 Delicious Foods That Are Also Good For Mental Health

  • Poultry – Starting with proteins, first on our list is poultry. Chicken and turkey contain tryptophan, which is a compound that can boost serotonin production. Serotonin in turn can help elevating our mood. To reduce intake of fats, take chicken breast meat or turkey. You can grill them and add to a healthy dose of salad or use in sandwiches.
  • Oily Fish – Fish such as salmon and sardines are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These have anti-inflammatory properties and the potential to fight depression. Grilled salmon and salmon sushi / sashimi are local favourites and easily available in Singapore. Sardines can be added to salads or enjoyed in sandwiches.
  • Spinach – Popeye loves spinach, and so should anyone looking for a leafy vegetable that is rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps our body produce serotonin and dopamine, which help to regulate our moods.
  • Green Tea – Next, a beverage to make us feel good. Not alcohol (alcohol is bad for health in many ways) but green tea! This drink contains L-theanine, an amino acid L-theanine that may help us feel more relaxed. In addition, it provides a small caffeine boost that can help us be more alert. Combined with relaxing influence of L-theanine, green tea gives us some of the benefits of coffee without the usual adverse caffeine effects.
  • Dark chocolate – The final entry in our list is a tasty treat that many people would enjoy. Dark chocolates have lots of flavonoids. They are found to increase serotonin, which may then elevate our moods. help alleviate symptoms of depression. While dark chocolates are one of our selection of five foods good for mental health, so remember to limit your consumption of it as chocolate treats may contain higher levels of sugar.



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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.