5 Most Popular Health Articles In 2024 – Our Year In Review

5 Most Popular Health Articles In 2024 – Our Year In Review

most popular health articles

2024 was a year of growth for Health365.sg. With the support of our readers, we reached new heights in readership and coverage of health-related topics. We also expanded significantly our partnerships with doctors and hospitals in Singapore and across the region. As the year draws to a close, we take a look at the articles which had garnered the most interest by our readers. Here are our pick of the 5 most popular health articles in 2024.

Our Pick Of The 5 Most Popular Health Articles

1. Cost Of Cataract Surgery In Singapore

A top topic of interest to readers is the cost of cataract surgery in Singapore. A cataract is formed when cloudiness forms in the crystalline lens of the eye, and causes a decrease in vision, potentially leading to blindness. The strong interest is of little wonder as Singapore has a rapidly aging population. According to NUH, “in Singapore, the percentage of elderly patients affected by cataracts is about 78.6%. The number of people affected by cataracts also increases as they get older. It affects 63.6% of people between 60 and 64 years, and 94.6% of people 75 years and older.”

2. Cost Of Cancer Treatment In Singapore

Cancer is often a silent killer disease. In Singapore, 1 in 4 people is likely to contract cancer in their lifetime. The cost of cancer treatment in public healthcare is manageable for most households due to generous government subsidies and financial assistance. On the other hand, cancer treatment in the private sector may be prohibitive for many people, unless they are well covered by health insurance. Patients may prefer private healthcare due to faster and better medical service that may be expected. Additionally, novel treatments or treatments using drugs that are currently not on MOH’s Cancer Drug List may also be more accessible in private healthcare. This leads to strong interest in our findings regarding the cost of cancer treatment in Singapore.

3. Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery In Singapore

Another higher popular topic of interest is the cost of Lasik eye surgery in Singapore. Projections from the Singapore National Eye Centre are both stark and alarming. It is estimated that 10% of children in Singapore will be myopic by 5 years old, 60% by 12 years old and 80% by 18 years old. Furthermore, 20% of young adult myopes “will have high myopia which put them at greater risk of visual complications later on in life”. With the high prevalence rate of myopia in Singapore, it is little wonder also that there is elevated interest in the cost of corrective vision treatment.

4. Mammogram Screening Cost In Singapore

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women in Singapore. There is also high awareness of this disease due to the efforts of organisations like the Breast Cancer Foundation, Singapore Cancer Society, and numerous other hospitals and healthcare providers. A mammogram is a standard for breast cancer screening, and the cost of mammogram screening has proven to be of perpetual interest to our readers.

5. Cost Of Colonoscopy In Singapore

Similar to how mammography is the standard for breast cancer screening, a colonoscopy is widely considered today to be the gold standard for colorectal cancer screening. Colorectal cancer is a top killer disease in Singapore and is often silent in the early stages. This makes proactive screening using colonoscopy all the more important. A colonoscopy has advantages beyond screening or diagnostic accuracy. Polyps discovered during a colonoscope can be immediately removed, preventing them from further developing into cancerous growths. A good sign that people are increasing aware of the role of colonoscopy in colon & rectal cancer prevent is the popularity of our article exploring the cost of colonoscopy in Singapore.

Invitation To Learn More And To Contact Us For Doctor Appointments

Thank you for helping make 2024 a successful year for Health365. Knowledge reshapes destiny and we invite you to explore more of our articles. We hope to help you further empower yourself to make the best healthcare decisions.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.