Lung Cancer Treatment Cost – Singapore

Lung Cancer Treatment Cost – Singapore

cost of lung cancer treatment singapore


Lung Cancer Treatment Cost – Singapore. Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadly cancers worldwide, including in Singapore. where it a leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Early detection and timely treatment are crucial in improving survival rates and quality of life. This guide provides an closer look at the cost of lung cancer screening and treatment costs in Singapore.

Cost Of Lung Cancer Screening Tests

Following are some of the common tests that doctors may use to screen for, or to confirm lung cancer.

  • Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) â€“ The most effective screening method for high-risk individuals, such as smokers over 50.
    • Estimated Cost: S$400 – S$500.
  • Chest X-rays â€“ Often used for general lung health assessments but less effective for detecting early-stage lung cancer.
    • Estimated Cost: S$50.
  • Sputum Cytology Tests – These examining mucus from the lungs for cancerous cells.
    • Estimated Cost: S$200-S$300.
  • Lung Screening Packages – These may be offered by clinics or screening centres at various price points, depending largely on the number of tests included.
    • Estimated Cost: Typically ranges from about S$500-S$1,000+.

Costs Of Lung Cancer Treatment In Singapore

One of the ways to treat cancer is surgery, and how the surgery is carried out (e.g. invasive or minimally invasive surgery) will affect the cost.

Cancer Surgery Costs

MOH’s listing of the average cost of surgeries for lung cancer in Singapore are:

Type of CancerType of HospitalAverage Cost (Updated: data accessed in Jul 24)
Lung (E71A)PrivateS$26,171 (Inpatient)
 Public (Unsubsidised)S$8,111 (Ward A)
 Public (Subsidised)S$2,773 (Ward C)
Table: Average Surgery Costs For Lung Cancer

Chemotherapy Costs

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells, control the spread of cancer, or to shrink tumours. Patients may sometimes require a combination of different chemotherapies to treat the cancer.

Chemotherapy costs in Singapore depend on the type and of drugs used, and the number of times they have to be administered.

Data from MOH (accessed in Sep 2024) provided these average chemotherapy costs in Singapore (Code: R63Z):

Type of Hospital(Inpatient)Average Cost (data accessed in Sep 24)
PrivateS$3,152(data accessed in May 22)
Public (Ward A, Unsubsidised)S$1,711
Public (Ward C, Subsidised)S$544
Table: Chemotherapy Cost In Singapore

Cost of Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method that kills cancer cells using high doses of radiation to damage the DNA of the cancer cells.

The cost of radiotherapy can range from S$25,000 to S$30,000.

Using MediSave And MediShield For Lung Cancer Treatment

(Extracted from NCCS website 19 Feb 25)


MediSave to pay for certain outpatient expenses incurred by you or your immediate family members (spouse, children, parents and grandparents). Grandparents must be Singapore citizens or permanent residents.

MediSave covers:

  • Medical/surgical inpatient cases
    Up to S$450 per day for daily hospital charges (patient must stay in hospital at least 8 hours unless he/she is admitted for a day surgery). This includes a maximum of S$50 for doctor’s daily attendance fees.
  • Approved day surgeries
    Up to S$300 per day for daily hospital charges.
  • Surgical operations (inpatient and day surgery)
    Depending on the complexity of the operation, the amount claimable may be from S$250 – S$7,550.


MediShield Life (Basic) is a medical insurance scheme which helps MediSave account holders and their dependants meet the cost of treatment for serious and prolonged illnesses. If you are covered under MediShield Life at the time of your hospitalisation/treatment, you may claim part of your hospital bill from MediShield Life.

The hospital will submit the MediShield Life claim on your behalf to the CPF Board. After processing, the Board will pay directly to the hospital. The remaining amount not covered by MediShield Life may then be settled by patients either with MediSave or cash or both.

The benefits of MediShield Life for outpatient cancer treatment:

​Treatment type​Payout
– External or superficial
– Brachytherapy

S​$140 per session
S$500 per session
​Maximum Claim Limits ​
​Per policy year​S$100,000
​Lifetime​No limit
​Maximum Cover Age​No maximum age
​Co-insurance Payable by insured​
Table: MediShield Life Benefits

For more information on MediShield Life scheme, you can refer to the MediShield Life information on MOH’s website

Our Preferred Doctors For Lung Cancer Treatment

If you are looking for a thoracic surgeon in Singapore, you can consider our Preferred Doctors:

Dr Harish Mithiran thoracic surgeon in Singapore


Dr Harish Mithiran | Preferred Doctor

Neumark Lung & Chest Surgery Centre

Contact Us For An Appointment

If you are looking to contact a lung specialist on your lung health concerns, we can help! Contact us via the button below for an appointment.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.