Advancement In Cancer Screening In Singapore: LucenceINSIGHT™

Advancement In Cancer Screening In Singapore: LucenceINSIGHT™

Cancer Screening In Singapore

Early detection plays an important role in improving treatment outcomes for cancer. LucenceINSIGHT™ is an advancement in cancer screening in Singapore that screens for multiple cancers in a one simple blood draw. Know more about it in this article.

Why Should You Screen For Cancer?

Cancer is a deadly disease that can affect any of us no matter the age, gender, or race. In Singapore, it is estimated that 1 out of 4 people may develop cancer in their lifetime. Cancer is also the number 1 cause of death in the country accounting for 28.2% of all deaths from 2017-2021.

With the prevalence of cancer, it is important to undergo cancer screening in Singapore. Early detection can make a difference in increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Cancer Data

LucenceINSIGHT™, Cancer Screening In Singapore

To address cancer as a widespread threat, LucenceINSIGHT™ has emerged as a groundbreaking tool for multi-cancer early detection. 

What Is LucenceINSIGHT™?

LucenceINSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) tool that screens for the signal of multiple cancers in one simple blood draw. 

It leverages proprietary technology to identify cancer-associated alterations in the bloodstream. The result is cross examined with machine-learning to study the cancer signal profile and provide insights on where the cancer-associated alterations might have originated from.

What Is LucenceINSIGHT™

What Are The Cancers Covered By LucenceINSIGHT™?

LucenceINSIGHT™ Cancer Coverage

*You may refer to for a full cancer list.

Who Can Benefit From It?

• Individuals aged 40 and above, or

• Individuals with an elevated risk for cancer (e.g. family history of cancer, diet, lifestyle and more.)

It is not recommended for use in individuals who are pregnant, or have a history of cancer in the past 3 years.

How Does It Work?

Cancer Screening In Singapore: LucenceINSIGHT™  - How It Works

Where To Get LucenceINSIGHT™, Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test?

LucenceINSIGHT™ Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) Screening test is available from health365’s healthcare partners. Contact us through the button below to book an appointment.

How Much Does It Cost?

Estimated pricing for LucenceINSIGHT™ tests are:


No. Of Cancers Tested 

Estimated Turnaround Time

Estimated Price 


50 cancers

12 Working Days



12 cancers

18 Working Days


Contact Us To Book An Appointment

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