Sweetener Aspartame Deemed As ‘Possible Carcinogen’ By WHO

Sweetener Aspartame Deemed As ‘Possible Carcinogen’ By WHO

Aspartame, artificial sweetener

Aspartame, a widely used artificial sweetener found in various products such as diet sodas and chewing gums has been classified as a “possible carcinogen” in a review by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Despite this classification, the agreed-upon consumption limits for aspartame have not been altered, ensuring its safety within the established guidelines. The WHO’s expert panels assessed both the potential hazard of this sweetener and the real-life risk it poses, offering insights into the substance’s safety for consumers.

What Is Aspartame And Where It Is Commonly Found?

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is used as a sugar substitute in various food and beverage products. It is a low-calorie sweetener that is approximately 200 times sweeter than table sugar (sucrose), allowing for its use in smaller quantities to achieve the desired level of sweetness.

It can be found in a wide range of products, including:

  • Diet sodas and carbonated beverages
  • Chewing gum
  • Dairy products such as yogurt and flavoured milk
  • Breakfast cereals and bars
  • Toothpaste
  • Medications such as cough drops and chewable vitamins.

Is Aspartame Linked To Cancer?

The IARC’s declaration categorizes aspartame as a “possible carcinogen,” indicating that there is limited evidence suggesting its potential to cause cancer. Joint Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) after undertaking its own review, stated that there is no reason to change the previously established acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 0–40 mg/kg body weight for aspartame.

According to WHO, the IARC and JECFA evaluations of the impact of aspartame were based on scientific data collected from a range of sources, including peer-reviewed papers, governmental reports and studies conducted for regulatory purposes. The studies have been reviewed by independent experts, and both committees have taken steps to ensure the independence and reliability of their evaluations.

In conclusion, the recent classification of aspartame as a “possible carcinogen” by the IARC highlights the ongoing efforts to evaluate the safety of food additives. While it remains safe for consumption within established limits, individuals should exercise moderation and follow dietary guidelines. Healthy eating habits is also crucial for individuals aiming for a healthier lifestyle.

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