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What Is Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the top killer diseases in Singapore. Arm yourself with more information about lung cancer in this article.

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Top Risk Factors For Lung Cancer

In this article we explore the risk factors for lung cancer – one of the top cancers in Singapore.

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Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the top cancers for males and females in Singapore. Here are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

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Stages Of Lung Cancer

We explain the various stages of lung cancer in this article.

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Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Learn more about what the signs and symptoms of breast cancer are. Early detection improves the chances of successful treatment.

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Causes of Breast Cancer

Top Factors That Can Cause Breast Cancer Cancer occurs when body cells divide rapidly in an abnormal manner, and possibly spreading to other tissue and organs. This may lead to tumours, which can disrupt the body’s regular function. Generally, the main cause of cancer is mutations to the DNA in the cells in the body. […]

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Breast Cancer Prevention

No action can remove the risk of breast cancer. However, there are lifestyle changes that can lower the risks of developing the disease.

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Breast Cancer – Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment

Here we discuss the diagnosis, assessment and breast cancer treatment options in Singapore, such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

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Chemotherapy And Other Costs Of Cancer Treatment In Singapore [Updated 2024]

In this article, we will take a deeper look into chemotherapy and other various components of the cost of cancer treatment in Singapore.

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Cost of Cancer Treatment in Singapore

Despite the high level of transparency in Singapore, information on the typical cost of cancer treatment is still not easily available.

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