Blood Test For Breast Cancer Detection In Singapore: Mastocheck

Blood Test For Breast Cancer Detection In Singapore: Mastocheck

Blood Test For Breast Cancer

Mastocheck is a blood test for breast cancer detection that may be used to supplement routine mammogram screenings. This innovative diagnostic tool from South Korea-based Bertis was first introduced to Singapore by the Raffles Medical Group (RMG) and is currently included in some of their health screening packages.

Breast Cancer Statistics In Singapore

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Singapore according to the Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report 2020. It accounts for 12,303 incidences of all cancers diagnosed in women and 2,245 cancer deaths for women from 2016 to 2020. Those within the 40-49 age group, breast cancer comprised 46.6% of all cancers diagnosed among women in Singapore.

Additionally, breast cancer is reported to be the more prevalent cancer among Indian females than among Chinese and Malay females. 

Early Detection Increases The Chances Of Successful Treatment

Even though the incidence of breast cancer is high in Singapore, the survival rate for breast cancer has improved over the years. The five-year Age-Standardised Relative Survival rate (ASRS) improved from 49.9% in 1973-1977 to 82.4% in 2016-2020. 

Early detection is the key to increase the chances of survival for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening

Mammogram is today, the most reliable way of breast cancer screening in Singapore. Women ages 40 to 49 can consider having annual mammogram screening. For those in the age of 50 and above, mammograms are recommended to be done once every 2 years.

Aside from mammograms, Mastocheck, a blood test for breast cancer detection, may also be used to supplement mammogram screenings for a more accurate diagnosis.

Mastocheck: Blood Test For Breast Cancer Detection

Mastocheck is a blood-based test to screen for breast cancer. According to Bertis, Mastocheck can detect early-stage breast cancer with an accuracy rate of 92%. The diagnostic accuracy of Mastocheck is also said to be consistent, regardless of breast density with no concerns about pain, discomfort, or exposure to radiation during the process. Bertis on their website says that they “…discovered multiple proteins that are expressed sensitively in early-stage breast cancer. By combining certain proteins that demonstrated high accuracy and reproducibility, the company developed multiple markers that can detect early-stage breast cancer with a 92% accuracy rate. The diagnostic accuracy of this method is higher than that of X-ray technology. Diagnostic accuracy is consistent, regardless of breast density, and there are no concerns about pain, discomfort, or exposure to radiation during the process.”

Mastocheck Screening Process

Mastocheck is considered as a convenient screening method that can be done by females of all ages. The screening process begins with consultation with a doctor and collection of a small amount of blood (1ml). Afterwards, the blood will be analysed and results will be generated.

High Accuracy For Dense Breasts

As Asian women tend to have denser breasts (there are more gland tissue than fatty tissue), Mastocheck can be used to supplement routine mammogram screening to increase accuracy of detecting breast cancer early, said by Raffles Medical Group in a press release.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.