Guide To Botox

Guide To Botox


Botox injections are used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. The injection uses Botulinum toxin to weaken or paralyze muscles. When used precisely and in small accurate doses, it can be used as an aesthetic treatment for facial lines.

What Is Botox And How Does It Work?

Botox is a neurotoxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Muscle contraction is controlled by receptors in the muscle cell membranes that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Botox works by preventing the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, causing flaccid paralysis.

Common commercial preparations of Botulinum toxin include:

  • Onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox)
  • Abobotulinumtoxin A (Dysport)
  • Incobotulinumtoxin A (Xeomin)

People often use the term “Botox” to describe all these products, but it is actually a registered trademark that one of the companies own.

What Is The Difference Between Botox, Dysport And Xeomin?

Where Can Botox Be Used?

  1. Botox can be used to treat facial wrinkles. The most common areas Botox is used on include:
  2. wrinkles between the eyebrows, called frown or glabellar lines
  3. wrinkles on the side of the eyes, known as crow’s feet
  4. horizontal wrinkles in the forehead
  5. It can also be used in the masseter or jaw area to help with teeth grinding, jaw clenching and pain (TMJ disorder), and also work to slim the face.
  6. Finally, Botox can also be used in smaller and more dilute doses intradermally instead of the conventional approach of injecting it into muscles. This is called mesobotox. Depending on where it is injected, it can help improve the texture and quality of the skin and pores, help with lifting in the lower third of the face, improve excessive sweating, and also help with facial wrinkles.

What’s The Difference Between Static And Dynamic Lines?

Static and dynamic lines are often used to describe facial wrinkles. Dynamic lines are wrinkles that are caused by facial expressions such as smiling and frowning. These lines will fade when you relax your expression. Static lines on the other hand are wrinkles that remain on the face even when the facial muscles are relaxed. These tend to deepen with age. It is important to know the difference as the treatment for both of these lines are different. Botox works very well to improve and completely resolve dynamic lines. It is harder to treat static lines with Botox. Botox may reduce and soften static lines, especially with repeated and consistent treatments but occasionally, fillers may still be needed to fully treat static lines. 

How Long Can Botox Last?

On average, Botox can last three to six months for most patients. However, longevity does vary from person to person with some lasting longer and others shorter. It’s not uncommon for first-timers to experience a shorter result the first time and a longer result the second and subsequent times.

What Should I Expect During And After A Treatment?

It is a simple 10-15 minute procedure consisting of tiny injections. There can be mild pain with the injections and we can consider numbing cream or ice packs to help with that. There may also be some temporary swelling and infrequent bruising after the procedure. It is advisable to use the muscles that have been treated, but do not massage or rub the injection sites. Do not lie down or bend forward for 4 hours after the procedure and do not engage in intense exercise or consume alcohol after the procedure.

What Are The Risks And Side Effects?

Botox is generally a well-tolerated procedure with few side effects. None of the side effects of Botox are permanent. There could be mild pain during the injection. Uncommonly, there could be swelling or bruising around the injection site. Few patients develop a headache after a Botox treatment. Very rarely, there could be temporary eyelid drooping or unwanted weakness in nearby muscles resulting in facial asymmetry or an allergic reaction to the toxin.


Botox is a relatively safe and well tolerated treatment for facial wrinkles. It is a quick procedure and usually has zero downtime, hence often known as a “lunchtime procedure”. Keen to find out more about Botox? Make and appointment to speak to us now.

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