Cancer Cases Spike Among People Under 50 Globally

Cancer Cases Spike Among People Under 50 Globally

Early Onset Cancer

There is a significant surge in cancer cases among people under the age of 50 over the past three decades. This has been found in a study published in the journal BMJ Oncology. While population growth is said to play a role in these statistics, there is still a growing concern on early onset cancer. What are the possible causes, risk factors, and steps for prevention?

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Rising Cancer Cases Among People Under 50

Over a 30 year period (1990 to 2019), the number of cancer cases among people aged 14 to 49 has increased 79%, soaring from 1.82 million to 3.26 million cases. Although part of this increase is said to be attributed to global population growth, it is evident that cancer diagnoses among the under-50 population are on the rise.

What Are The Deadliest Cancers Among People Under 50?

According to the study, breast, windpipe (nasopharyngeal cancer), lung, colorectal (bowel) and stomach cancers are the deadliest. Breast cancer has the most cases and deaths while prostate and windpipe (nasopharynx) rose the fastest.

On a somewhat positive note, liver cancer saw a decline of 2.9% a year.

What Exactly Are The Risk Factors?

The researchers of the study have pointed to several risk factors that may contribute to this alarming trend. Among these are:

  • Genetic Factors
  • Poor Diet (Diet high in red meat, low in fruits, high in sodium and low in milk, etc.)
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Tobacco Use
  • Physical Inactivity

Among these, alcohol consumption and tobacco use are the said main risk factors underlying early onset cancer.

What Are The Reasons Behind the Surge?

Despite these identifiable risk factors, the precise reasons behind the escalating burden of early onset cancer remain unclear. The team of researchers behind the study emphasises that further investigation is required to understand this phenomenon comprehensively. While lifestyle factors play a significant role, there may be other contributing factors such as antibiotic usage, the gut microbiome, outdoor air pollution and early life exposures.

Global Disparities In Early Onset Cancer

The study also found that more developed countries tend to have higher rates of cancer diagnoses among individuals under 50. This could be indicative of better healthcare systems in wealthier nations, which may lead to earlier detection. 

Future Projections

It has been predicted that there will be a further 31% increase in global cancer cases among people under 50 by the year 2030, with the majority of new cases occurring in the 40-49 age group. These projections highlight the urgency of understanding and addressing the root causes of early onset cancer.

What Are The Steps To Take To Prevent Early Onset Cancer?

1. Get Screened Early

Breast, colorectal, and stomach cancers are among the deadliest cancers found in the study for people under the age of 50. Getting regular screening tests may help detect these cancers early for a higher chance of successful treatment. 

In Singapore, it is recommended for women ages 40 to 49 years old to consider mammogram once a year. On the other hand, stomach cancer screening is recommended for aged 40 years and above with a family history of cancer or stomach ailments while colorectal cancer screening is recommended for aged 50 and above.

In the US, the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening has been lowered from 50 years old to 45 years old while for breast cancer, it is lowered from 50 years old to 40 years old.

2. Make Healthier Choices

Reduce the risk of getting cancer by making healthy choices like having a proper diet, regular exercise, and avoiding or limiting alcohol and tobacco use.

Where To Get Health Screening?

Health365, in partnership with trusted medical providers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand offers health screening packages that may help you detect early onset cancer. Easily compare and browse for our packages in the Health365 Shop

If you have any questions or concerns regarding health screening, you may reach us by clicking the WhatsApp button below:

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