Guide On Caregiver Support In Singapore

Guide On Caregiver Support In Singapore

caregiver support in Singapore

Imagine a scenario where a close family member suffers a stroke and it is up to you provide care for them. You are responsible for helping with daily tasks such as eating and showering. You may even have to quit your job to become their caregiver, leaving you with no income. You might be at a loss as to what to do in this situation. Fortunately, there is caregiver support in Singapore available.

Role Of A Caregiver

A caregiver refers to an individual who is responsible for another person, taking care of, or assisting with, their daily needs and activities. These needs may include:

Physical Needs

  • Taking meals.
  • Getting dressed.
  • Restroom needs.
  • Household chores.
  • Exercise.
  • Other daily activities.

Emotional Needs

  • Emotional support.
  • Companionship.

Financial Needs

  • Living and medical expenses.
  • Management of assets.
  • Management of insurance matters.

Caregiver Support In Singapore – Challenges A Caregiver May Face

Being a caregiver requires a lot of patience, empathy, and energy. Caregiving takes a lot of time and can quickly result in burnout, as it can be stressful to look after a loved one’s health and take care of them. According to the Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ), the prevalence of caregiver burden ranges from be 23.0% – 59.2%.

The Straits Times reported that recent studies have also shown that most caregivers spend roughly seven hours a day caring for their loved ones, and over 40% of caregivers face the risk of depression as a result of recent challenges in Singapore, such as inflation and COVID-19.

Financial Insecurity

A caregiver may face a strain on their source of income, because of scaling down their jobs and the costs of providing for their care recipient.

Social Isolation

A caregiver can experience a lack of time to socialise with others, due to most of their time consumed by caregiving. This may cause feelings of unsupportiveness to arise.

Lack of Alone Time

It is common for a caregiver to discover that they have a lack of alone time. As caregiving responsibilities take up much time, they may sacrifice their time for hobbies or holidays.

Health Issues

A caregiver may undergo issues with mental and physical health due to prolonged stress from caregiving. Studies have shown that stress hormones released by prolonged stress can cause fatigue, irritability, immune system weakness, sleep disorders, headaches, and weight fluctuations.

How To Prepare For The Journey Ahead

By being aware of the diagnosis, course of treatment, and progression of your loved one, you may better prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Reducing uncertainty and preventing burnout can be achieved by knowing who and where to ask for help.

Read up on your Loved One’s Condition(s)

It is important to check up on typical symptoms of your loved one’s condition, to find out what to anticipate going forward, and to deepen the understanding between you and your loved one. This will enable you to build a foundation of expectations going forward and will assist you in developing empathy and understanding for your loved one. This can also assist you in creating future financial and support plans.


Aside from taking care of your loved ones, it is essential to ensure that you also take care of yourself. Caring for your physical and mental health is important, by taking part in activities outside of caregiving, such as having hobbies and friends.

Seek Support

Being a carer may be isolating, especially if there is insufficient support provided. Currently, there are a variety of sources of community support, including friends, family, neighbours, religious or spiritual organisations, and support groups, such as the Caregiving Welfare Association, Caregiver Alliance Limited, and Club Heal. However, family, friends, and support groups may not be enough to support you emotionally. A therapist, professional coach, or guide with experience in the chronic illness or condition you’re dealing with can help you and your family get through unexpected challenges and make this journey easier.

Caregiver Support In Singapore – Grants & Subsidies

There are several caregiver grants and subsidies provided by the Government, to assist caregivers in taking care of their loved ones. You may visit the Ministry Of Health’s website for more information and eligibility requirements on the schemes. As of 1 Dec 2023, caregiver support in Singapore available includes:

Seniors’ Mobility And Enabling Fund (SMF)

The SMF assists carers in taking care of elderly patients in their homes, by offering financial aid to defray the cost of home healthcare supplies and assistive technology.

Caregivers Training Grant (CTG)

The CTG encourages family members and Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) who provide care for the elderly and disabled to enroll in carer education programmes so they can acquire the skills needed to meet the mental and physical requirements of their clients. Up to $200 in subsidies are offered by the CTG each financial year for each eligible care recipient.

Home Caregiving Grant (HCG)

For qualified people with permanent moderate disabilities who live in the community, the Home Caring Grant (HCG) offers a monthly cash payout of up to $400 that can be used flexibly to cover caring expenses. In October 2019, the Foreign Domestic Worker Grant was superseded by the HCG. The HCG was increased from $200 to $250 or $400 each month, as stated in the White Paper for Singapore Women’s Development, to help pay for caregiving expenses even more, with a greater emphasis on lower-income households. The increased payout would be given to qualified beneficiaries starting in March 2023.

Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) Levy Concession for Aged Persons and Persons with Disabilities

Households who require the services of an MDW to care for elderly or disabled family members are assisted by the MDW Levy Concession. Households that qualify will pay a $60 monthly concessionary MDW levy.



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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.