Cataract Symptoms, Screening, And Treatment In Singapore

Cataract Symptoms, Screening, And Treatment In Singapore

Cataract In Singapore, Cataract Surgery In Singapore


Cataracts are among the leading causes of blindness in the world and are a growing concern in Singapore. It  is a common age-related eye condition, causing clouding of the lens, leading to decreased vision. In this article, we delve into the symptoms, screening processes, treatment options, and associated costs for cataracts in Singapore.

What Is Cataract?

A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, leading to decreased vision. The lens, located behind the iris and pupil, becomes opaque, impairing light transmission to the retina. Cataracts typically develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. While primarily age-related, cataracts can also result from various factors, impacting individuals of all ages.

Cataract Statistics In Singapore

In Singapore, 78.6% of elderly patients are affected by cataract.

  • The number of people affected by cataracts also increases as they get older.
  • It affects 63.6% of people between 60 and 64 years.
  • It affects 94.6% of people 75 years and older.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Cataract?

  • Blurry vision.
  • Poor night vision.
  • Sensitivity to light, halos or glares may appear.
  • Colours appear less vibrant, often with a yellow or brown tint.
  • Double vision in one eye.

Where And How To Be Screened In Singapore?

Screening for cataracts in Singapore is accessible and can be conducted at various healthcare facilities, including public hospitals, polyclinics, as well as private clinics and hospitals. 

Several tests may help diagnose cataracts:

  • Visual Acuity Test – Measures how well you can see at various distances.
  • Slit-Lamp Examination – Allows the doctor to examine the structures at the front of the eye under magnification.
  • Retinal Exam – The doctor uses eye drops to dilate the pupils and examine the retina and lens for signs of cataracts.
  • Tonometry – Measures the pressure inside the eye.

What Are The Options For Cataract Treatment In Singapore?

Treatment options for cataracts primarily involve surgical intervention:

  • Phacoemulsification – The most common procedure, where an ultrasonic device breaks up the cloudy lens, which is then removed and replaced with an artificial lens.
  • Extracapsular Surgery – For advanced cataracts, the cloudy lens is removed in one piece, and an artificial lens is implanted.
    Non-surgical options, like stronger eye glasses or magnifying lenses, can temporarily manage symptoms but are not a long-term solution.

Doctor You Can Consider

Our Preferred Ophthalmologist In Singapore​

Dr David Goh is the Medical Director And Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist at NOVENA Bladeless Cataract Surgery & Eye Specialist Centre and a cataract surgeon in Singapore. He specialises in complex Cataracts and simple and complex Glaucoma. His services include Precise Computer-Guided and 100% Bladeless Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma treatment and surgeries (including Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, MIGS) Screening Treatments for Diabetic Eye Diseases & Age-Related Macular Degeneration, LASIK and implantable contact lens (ICL), Laser Treatment of visually disturbing Floaters and Acute Eye Emergencies.

Dr David Goh

Cataract surgery by Dr David Goh:

Dr David Goh SKU

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What Is The Cost Of Cataract Treatment In Singapore?

Learn more about the cost of cataract surgery in our article.

Medisave And Insurance For Cataract Surgery In Singapore

Cataract surgery is covered by Medisave as well as insurance. The maximum amount that may be claimed under Medisave for the procedure is S$2,450 per eye. If the patient’s insurance policy covers Cataract Surgery, the procedure may be claimable in full. Patients should check with their insurance agent for more details.

Check with CPF on the latest MediSave policies.

Additional Resources

  1. Cataract Surgery | SingHealth. Available from: https://www.singhealth.com.sg/patient-care/conditions-treatments/cataract
  2. Cataracts: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | HealthXchange.sg. Available from: https://www.healthxchange.sg/head-neck/eye-care/cataracts-causes-symptoms-treatment
  3. Cataract – Singapore | National University Hospital. Available from: https://www.nuh.com.sg/About-NUH/Clinical-Outcomes/Pages/Cataract.aspx
  4. Cataracts – Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic. Available from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cataracts/symptoms-causes/syc-20353790
  5. Cataracts | National Eye Institute. Available from: https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/eye-conditions-and-diseases/cataracts

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