Medical Diagnostics

Cardiologists in Singapore You Can Consider

Cardiologists specialize in treating conditions of the cardiovascular system. Here are some Cardiologists in Singapore that you can consider.

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Immunotherapy for Liver Cancer in Singapore – Clinical Trial Results by SCG Cell Therapy Pte Ltd

SCG Cell Therapy presented interim data from a clinical trial of SCG101. SCG101 can help improve immunotherapy for liver cancer in Singapore.

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Medical Oncologists in Singapore You Can Consider

Dealing with cancer is a huge challenge, but it’s a bit easier when you’re in the hands of an experienced oncologist. We’ve put together a list of medical oncologists in Singapore that you can consider should the need arise.

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Brain Cancer Or Brain Tumour Diagnosis In Singapore

Brain tumour diagnosis employs imaging tests such as MRI and CT scans. Biopsies of brain tissue may also be involved if it can be done safely.

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What is Colon Or Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Singapore. Find out what is colon cancer / rectal cancer in this article.

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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

Timely prostate cancer diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment. In this article, we explain how doctors diagnose and stage prostate cancer.

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Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer treatment depends on several factors, including the symptoms presented, as well as the type and stage of the cancer. The patient’s health and tolerance to certain treatment procedures and medications will also have to be taken into account. Depending on the stage of the lung cancer, the aim of treatment may be curative, […]

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What is Breast Cancer

A breast cancer is an uncontrolled division and growth of breast cells, often starting in the ducts, milk sacs or lobes.

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What Is Cancer – An Expert Guide

Cancer is a top killer disease in Singapore. Learn more about the various types of cancers – their symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.

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