Plant-Based Meat In Singapore – The Heathier Choice?
Plant-based meats are made from wheat, soy, and other plant-derived proteins. There are health benefits compared to red and processed meats.
Plant-based meats are made from wheat, soy, and other plant-derived proteins. There are health benefits compared to red and processed meats.
PM2.5 are microscopic particulate matters of liquid or solid particles suspended in the air. They are a factor in indoor air quality.
Certain protein markets when found may suggest the presence of cancer. Blood test for cancer markers is available for liver cancer.
There is no shortage of misinformation when it comes to cancer. In this article, we will explore three common cancer myths and misconceptions.
Reviewed by Dr Benjamin Yip. In this article, we look at gastroscopy in Singapore – what it is , what it is used for, what does it involve, and how much does it costs.
Cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancer in Singapore women. In this article, we discuss cervical cancer stages.
Pancreatic cancer is a rare cancer in Singapore but causes a disproportionate number of cancer deaths. We look at the diagnosis and options for pancreatic cancer treatment in Singapore.
Pancreatic cancer risk factors include tobacco use, alcohol consumption and more. This cancer has little or no symptoms in the early stages.
Being slim does not prevent illnesses associated with obesity. Overweight or not, you need to be mindful about your visceral fat level.
While people commonly know that high levels of cholesterol is bad for the heart, it is less well known whether high cholesterol causes cancer.
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