Is Fear Of Radiation Risks From X-Rays And Other Diagnostic Imaging Scans Stopping You From Taking Vital Health Screenings?
Some may fear diagnostic imaging tests due to radiation risks from x-rays. Is there ground for such concern?
Some may fear diagnostic imaging tests due to radiation risks from x-rays. Is there ground for such concern?
Health Screening Singapore (Updated Aug 2024) Learn more about health screening – what it is, why it is essential, and the recommended health screening Singapore residents should go for. What Is Health Screening? Health screening is a medical test or examination that helps detect potential health issues or risk factors in individuals who are deemed […]
Did you know that affordable health screenings can be seamlessly incorporated as part of your holiday getaway to Johor Bahru?
Health365 is proud to partner with Lifescan Medical Centre to offer our readers imaging tests and health screening packages.
In this article, we will explore some healthy Christmas gift Ideas in Singapore, for the wellness of your loved ones.
Health365 is proud to partner with Kensington Green Specialist Centre to offer our readers health screening, fertility treatments, and more.
In this article, we answer the 5 top FAQs about GASTROClear, a stomach cancer blood test developed by Singapore biotech firm, MiRXES.
See what patients have to say about their experience getting the GASTROClear stomach cancer test at AsiaMedic Wellness Assessment Centre.
Health365 is proud to partner with Dr Lim Lee Guan, gastroenterologist in Singapore and the Clinical Director at the Specialist Care Group.
Health365 interviewed Derrick Ong, General Manager at AsiaMedic, to learn more about how GASTROClear can help save lives.
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