Cervical Cancer Survival Rate and Other Statistics in Singapore

Cervical Cancer Survival Rate and Other Statistics in Singapore

Cervical cancer survival rate Singapore

Cervical cancer is the 10th most frequent cancer among women in Singapore, with an Age-Standardised Incidence Rate of 7.0 per 100,000 people. The silver lining is that cervical cancer  survival rate in Singapore, as well as the incidence rate of cervical cancer, had improved substantially over the years.

Here are the key findings of the Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report 2019 on cervical cancer:

Incidence and Mortality Rate:

  • Cervical cancer ranked 10th in incidence and mortality among all the reported cancer cases in Singapore for females.
  • From 2015-to 2019, cervical cancer accounted for 2.8% of cancer incidences (40,127) in females, and 2.6% of all cancer mortality in females (12,940) during the same period.
  • Cervical cancer was the 8th most commonly diagnosed cancer among Malay females (4.1% of 4,139 incidences). It however was out of the top ten cancers for Chinese and Indian females during the 2015-2019 period.

Age Group:

  • Cervical cancer accounted for about 8.1%, ranking fourth among the top 10 most frequent incident cancers, for females from 30 to 39 years of age from 2015-2019. It was ranked 6th leading type of cancer incidence for women’s age group, 40-49, and 8th for 50-59. It was outside of the top 10 cancers for those aged 60 and above.

Cervical Cancer Survival Rate:

  • Relative survival rates for cervical cancer in women diagnosed between 2015 and 2019 are about 64-84%. The relative survival rate varies significantly depending on the number of years after diagnosis.
  • Cervix Cancer Age-Standardized Survival Rate among Women after Diagnosis (2015-19):
Years After Diagnosis1 Year2 Years3 Years4 Years5 Years
Survival Rate84.2%73.2%68.7%65.8%64.3%

The improved cervical cancer vaccination and medical testing (Pap and HPV tests) with increasing awareness among women have helped lower the incidence and mortality rate. However, early detection remains the main determining factor for the successful treatment of cervical cancer.

Pap smear testing is a practical screening test for the early discovery of HPV-induced cancer among women.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.