CME Course On Colorectal Cancer

CME Course On Colorectal Cancer

CME course alert. Continuing Medical Education.

CME Course on Identifying Patients & Treatment for Colorectal Cancer

For doctors looking to sharpen their expertise in colorectal cancer, here is something you can look forward to. MIMS Singapore has partnered with Mount Elizabeth Hospital in organizing an e-learning CME course on colorectal cancer. The course aims to equip doctors with more knowledge and understanding on colorectal cancer, especially in identifying patients at risk and providing early treatment for patients.

Titled Identifying Patients at Risk and Treatments for Colorectal Cancer, the one-hour online module will end 3 October 23. Successful participants can gain 1 Cat3B point at the end of the course. Click here to register.

Why CME Course On Colorectal Cancer In Singapore Is Important

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Singapore. It is highly curable when diagnosed early. However, it often does not show any symptoms in the early stages. As such, regular screening, the ability to identify at-risk patients, and timely referral to a specialist for treatment are key. 

The e-learning module aims to provide a short overview of colorectal cancer, explain its risk factors, discuss screening guidelines, and look at management options.

By the end of the course, physicians should be able to gain more knowledge about colorectal cancer, including its development as well as more insights to help them recognize risk factors.

The online course’s objectives also aimed at supporting doctors come up with more treatment options for their patients, such as understanding the screening guidelines for colorectal cancer and the role of the primary care physician in starting and following up on screening of patients at the right time. In addition, participants can expect to gain more learnings about the treatment options for colorectal cancer and the role of the primary care physician in its management.

Other CME Notices

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