[CME] ProtecT* Trial On Prostate Cancer Treatment Shows ‘Promising Results’

[CME] ProtecT* Trial On Prostate Cancer Treatment Shows ‘Promising Results’

CME ProtecT* Trail Prostate Cancer update


Here is some interesting news from MIMS Urology for physicians, particularly for oncologists, urologists and urologic oncologists. A new study, ProtecT* trial, showed that men undergoing any type of treatments – be it active monitoring, surgery or radiation – for localised prostate cancer are looking at high chances for good long-term outcomes.

The results of the ProtecT* trial on prostate cancer have been revealed. The study, published on Lancet Oncology, found that men with localized prostate cancer, who are treated with surgery, radiation, or active monitoring, would likely have a good 15-year outcome.

ProtecT trial included over 10,000 men with localised prostate cancer who were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups – active monitoring, surgery and radiation. Researchers then followed the men’s condition for an average of 15 years.

In addition, they found that at 15 years, the overall survival rate was 96 to 97 percent for all three treatment groups. There was no significant difference in survival between the groups, regardless of the risk of cancer, they added.

The ProtecT* trial is the largest and longest randomized trial of prostate cancer treatment to date. The findings are likely to have a major impact on the way that prostate cancer is treated in the future.

More details about the story can be accessed on MIMS Urology. Click this link for more.

Why Is The ProtecT* Trial Important?

The ProtecT* trial results are important as they provide ‘strong evidence’ that men with localised prostate cancer can choose the treatment they want without compromising their over-all health and survival. These are also beneficial for healthcare providers as findings from the study can support them make informed decisions in treating their patients.

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