Colorectal Cancer Survival Rates in Singapore and Other Statistics

Colorectal Cancer Survival Rates in Singapore and Other Statistics

Colorectal cancer survival rate in Singapore

Data from the Singapore Cancer Registry shows that during the period 2015-2019, colorectal cancer was among the country’s three most frequently diagnosed cancers. Around one in every six men and one in seven women in Singapore who were diagnosed with cancer had colorectal cancer. According to this report, Chinese men and women are more likely to develop colorectal cancer than any other ethnic group in Singapore. Colorectal cancer survival rates in Singapore are high when the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. These findings highlight the need for awareness, prevention techniques, and timely treatment for colorectal cancer.

Colorectal Survival Rates in Singapore

With regular screening, colorectal cancer is one of the more curable malignancies. Early detection and removal of colorectal cancer cells, which are localized to the large intestine, can significantly lower the risk of further cancer development.

Furthermore, colorectal cancer treatment is most successful in its early stages. If discovered at stage one, colorectal cancer survival rates in Singapore for both men and women are close to 84% and 86%, respectively. However, if cancer progresses to stage four, survival rates drop to 10% for men and 11% for women.

The five-year age-standardized relative survival rate for colon and rectum cancers in both males and females for 2015-2019 is about 61% each.

Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates

Colorectal cancer incidence rate is 16.9% for men and 13.1% for women from 2015-2019, making it the top 3 most diagnosed cancer types in Singapore. Its mortality rate of 14.5% in men and 15.6% in women makes it also one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths.

Some Ethnicities Have Higher Risk of Contracting Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer was the cancer with the highest incidence amongst the top cancers for Chinese (17.4%) and Indian males (14.8%) in Singapore. In Malay males, it was the second most frequent cancer (16%, behind lung cancer at 17.7%).

In females, colorectal cancer was the second most frequently occurring cancer for the Chinese (13.6%) and Malay (12.2) groups. It was third most common type of cancer among Indian females (9.3%).

Colorectal Cancer Mostly Affects People Over 30

The report cites colorectal cancer as the second leading cancer type in men aged 30-39, affecting 11.7% of men out of 832 cancer incidences for the 2015-19 period. However, it becomes the most frequent cancer for men between 40 and 69. From age 70-79, it falls to third position, behind prostate and lung cancers.

Colorectal cancer is the second or third most occurring cancer in females aged the age group 50-79. It becomes the most frequently occurring type of cancer for those aged 80 and above. Breast cancer is the leading cancer incidence for women between 30 and 79.

Colorectal cancer screenings should be undertaken regularly to aid in early detection and prevention. There are various screening options to choose from, depending on the individual’s level of risk. The three most common screening options are Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) and colonoscopy.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.