Cost Of Diabetes Treatment In Singapore

Cost Of Diabetes Treatment In Singapore

Cost of Diabetes Treatment In Singapore

Diabetes is a significant health concern in Singapore, affecting a large portion of the population. Understanding the cost of diabetes treatment is crucial for effective management and financial planning. This article explores the various expenses associated with diabetes screening and treatment in Singapore.

Cost Of Screening

Early detection of diabetes is essential for managing the condition effectively. In Singapore, there are several options for diabetes screening, each with varying costs:

  1. Screen for Life Programme: This initiative by the Health Promotion Board offers subsidised health screenings for Singaporeans. Screenings for diabetes are available at polyclinics, hospitals, and CHAS-participating clinics for as low as S$5.
  2. Polyclinics: While polyclinics do not offer full-body check-ups, they provide screenings for specific conditions like diabetes at a lower cost compared to private facilities.
  3. Private Clinics and Hospitals: Comprehensive health screenings at private facilities can be had for under S$100 onwards, depending on the extent of tests included.

Cost Of Diabetes Treatment

Managing diabetes involves regular monitoring, medication, and lifestyle adjustments. Here are some common expenses:

  1. Medication: The cost of diabetes medication can vary widely based on the type and dosage required. Oral medications typically range from S$0.10 to over S$6.00 a table, while insulin injections can cost up to S$120 per cartridge.
  2. Regular Check-ups: Routine visits to healthcare providers for monitoring blood sugar levels and overall health are essential. These visits can cost around S$100 per visit, with some subsidies available through insurance or government programs.
  3. Specialist Consultations: For more advanced cases, consultations with endocrinologists or other specialists may be necessary. These visits can cost from around S$150 to S$300 per session.
  4. Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments: Adopting a healthier diet and lifestyle is crucial for managing diabetes. While this may not have a direct cost, it can lead to increased food expenses, especially if opting for healthier, low-carb options.

Insurance and MediSave

Insurance plays a vital role in managing the financial burden of diabetes treatment. Many insurance plans cover diabetes-related expenses, but it’s essential to review the coverage details and premiums.

Additionally, Singaporeans can utilise MediSave to offset some of the costs associated with diabetes treatment. This can help reduce out-of-pocket expenses and make managing diabetes more affordable. Under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP), Singaporeans can use their MediSave to help cover the costs of outpatient treatments for chronic conditions, including diabetes.

It is important to consult your healthcare provider which treatments are claimable and the extent of coverage available. Check with CPF on the latest MediSave policies or speak to insurance advisors for the most accurate and updated information.

Contact Us For A Doctor’s Appointment

If you are looking for an endocrinologist for diabetes treatment, we can help get an appointment. Contact us via the button below.

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