Cost Of Enlarged Prostate Treatment In Singapore

Cost Of Enlarged Prostate Treatment In Singapore

healthcare cost in old age; cost of enlarged prostate treatment


Enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), affects men as they age. An enlarged prostate can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms and impact the quality of life. In this guide, we will explore the cost of enlarged prostate treatment in Singapore.

Cost Of Enlarged Prostate Screening In Singapore

People who are aged 50 years and above, obese or eat a high-fat diet, and have a family history of prostate cancer, should consider regular prostate health screening for enlarged prostate as well as for prostate cancer. The estimated price for prostate screening package in Singapore (comprising an urologist consultation, ultrasound examination, Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test, and an uroflowmetry test), may cost around S$300-S$400 in private healthcare.

Cost Of Enlarged Prostate Treatment In Singapore

If you experience symptoms of enlarged prostate such as frequent urination, weak urine stream, difficulty starting urination, or incomplete bladder emptying, you should consider seeing an urologist to investigate the symptoms and to get treatment if necessary. Treatment and management of enlarged prostate depends on the severity of symptoms and the size of the prostate. Options include:

  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Medications
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures
    • Convective Water Vapour Thermal Therapy: This treatment is aimed at improving urine flow. Using steam injections, targeted prostate cells are killed. This reduces the size of the prostate and alleviates the symptoms of BPH.
    • Prostatic Urethral Lift: Small implants are placed in the body to hold the enlarged prostate tissue away from the urethra. This opens up the urethra and urine flow is improved.
  • Surgical Options
    • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): This is the most common and effective surgical treatment for enlarged prostate, in particular, when they are large and highly obstructing prostates. This treatment involves the surgical removal of part of the prostate, thereby relieving the blockage of the urethra.
    • Laser Therapy: This treatment uses laser to remove excess prostate tissue.
    • Simple Prostatectomy: This is a surgical procedure used to treat prostates that are severely enlarged, and when other treatments are unsuitable or have already been tried without success. This treatment involves surgically removing the inside part of the prostate gland.

According to MOH’s historical fee benchmarks (assessed 21 Nov 24), the average costs of enlarged prostate treatment in Singapore by minimally invasive surgery (TOSP Code: SH832P) are:

SettingWard TypeTypical BillTypical Bill RangeTypical Bill Items
Operation FeeImplant Fee1Other Fee2
Public HospitalsDay Surgery (Subsidised)$5,496$3,232 – $6,312$1,855Not Available$2,425
Day Surgery (Unsubsidised)$8,847$7,952 – $9,953$3,282Not Available$5,551
Private HospitalsDay Surgery$13,495$12,056 – $15,919$11,777Not Available$1,398
Fee for the medical device(s)/ implants placed inside the body. Applicable only if your procedure requires an implant.
Includes ward charges, doctor’s daily attendance and consultation fee, consumables, medication, tests, accident & emergency charges etc., where applicable.
Note: Figures shown are based on the median fee, i.e., what 50% of patients are charged below. They provide an estimate and may not add up.
MOH Historical Benchmark Costs Of Minimally Invasive Enlarged Prostate Treatment. Source: Ministry of Health

The MOH recommended benchmark fees are:

Type of FeesFee Range
Doctor Fees
Surgeon Fee1$3,706 – $4,905 w/GST
($3,400 – $4,500 w/o GST)
Anaesthetist FeeNot Available
Inpatient Doctors’ Attendance Fees2$230 – $450 w/GST per day
($210 – $420 w/o GST per day)
Hospital FeesHospital FeesNot Available
1 Higher end of surgeon fees may be associated with more complex cases.
2 Fee range is for office hours only and does not include the costs of medications, injections, operations, special procedures, investigations (e.g., radiological and laboratory tests).
MOH Recommended Benchmark Fees For Minimally Invasive Enlarged Prostate Treatment. Source: Ministry of Health

Our Preferred Doctors For Enlarged Prostate Management

If you are looking to consult a urologist in Singapore on your enlarged prostate concerns, you can consider our Preferred Doctors:

Dr Jonathan Teo


Dr Jonathan Teo | Preferred Doctor

Urology Practice

Contact Us For An Appointment With An Urologist

If you have concerns about enlarged prostate or your prostate health in general, and would like to consult a urologist, we can help with an appointment. Contact us via the button below.

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