Dr Pinakin V Parekh – Cardiologist
Dr Pinakin cardiologist in Singapore

Dr Pinakin V Parekh

Specialty: General Cardiology, Preventive Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology
Clinic: Dr Pinakin V Parekh


Who Is Dr Pinakin?

Dr Pinakin V Parekh is a multilingual Singapore and United Kingdom trained General and Interventional Cardiologist.

He is well versed in the diagnostic approaches to important cardiac symptoms and the latest state of the art medications for chronic disease and lifestyle management. He has a graduate diploma in Family Medicine and is frequently giving talks to his general practitioner colleagues to share and teach about the latest best practices in cardiovascular risk management.

Dr Pinakin subspecialises in interventional cardiology and incorporates modern day interventional cardiology tools such as physiology and intracoronary imaging for his angioplasty procedures. He is an experienced complex angioplasty operator (left mains, calcified, bifurcations, CTOs) and is often invited as faculty for regional and international cardiology conferences to share his expertise.

He enjoys treating patients from around the world while based in Singapore (Asia, Europe, UK, USA etc) and practices in the Mount Elizabeth Hospitals (Orchard and Novena). He has accreditation to the other private hospitals in Singapore and is also a visiting consultant to Woodlands Health public hospital.

He is known for his friendly warmth and the ability to explain medical concepts in a simple easy to understand manner so that patients always remain well informed.

Academic Qualifications

Dr Pinakin’s academic qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (S’pore)
  • Member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (UK)
  • Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine (S’pore)
  • Fellow of the Academy of Medicine (S’pore)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Glasgow)
  • Fellow of the Asean College of Cardiology
  • Fellow of the Asian Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology
  • Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (USA)
  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

What Is Dr Pinakin’s Ethos In Medicine?

Dr Pinakin sees providing medical care to patients as the highest grade of personal responsibility. The doctor–patient relationship is a sacred relationship which he cherishes and drives him to be the best he can for his patients.

If You Run Into Dr Pinakin Outside Work, You Are Likely To…

 …see Dr Pinakin emceeing events (especially medical ones) as he finds the on-stage spontaneity needed to read and connect with an audience extremely exciting. In addition, Dr Pinakin keeps fit and cultivates physical and mental discipline via martial arts. He holds a 2nd dan Taekwondo black belt.

10 Question & Answers

The heart is such a fascinating sophisticated natural pump that gives life to the body. Cardiac problems can be sudden and devastating and I wanted to be able to make a difference in an impactful way.

Symptoms such as chest discomfort (and there are so many varying descriptions), breathlessness, palpitations, leg swelling etc should never be taken lightly. I have seen many patients trying to find alternative diagnosis to account for their issues but serious cardiac conditions can be missed. Seeing a cardiologist helps rule out the red flags.

Conferences are an excellent way to stay relevant. I get invited to share and present across the world but I always come back enriched from the knowledge my peers have shared.

The care I render on my parents – should be the same care I deliver to my patients.

As an interventional cardiologist, I treat patients with heart attacks and perform emergency angioplasty procedures at anytime of the day to open the 100% blockages in the coronary arteries. The gratitude that families show in such situations always makes me emotional too, and reaffirms my purpose in chosen life career – a difference is being made.

The major misconception is that “It will never happen to me”. Cardiovascular risk factors are silent. You won’t feel them. You won’t see them. They need to be actively checked to see what is your risk profile and how to address them before disease onset creeps in.

Keep the language simple, and use analogies to real day to day life to emphasize points. The heart is exactly like your house. There are 5 parts – the walls, the pipes, the doors, the rooms and the electricals. Once I tell this to my patients, everything else becomes crystal clear.

I don’t eat heavy meals. Keeping light keeps me fresh and agile. I like humour too. Going to the doctor should be engaging and some laughs are very important to make the interactions natural.

Artificial intelligence is entering medicine and cardiology is benefitting from it. For example, echocardiogram and coronary artery imaging now have special software that automates a lot of measurements with accuracy. This speeds up testing.

Detecting if you have risk factors is key. This often comes with basic blood tests. The quality of CT coronary angiograms have become so much better that it does offer a peak into the coronary arteries non-invasively. I have patients who have been seemingly well but the scan showing severe bystander blockages that needs to be addressed further.

the vision

Uphold The Utmost Standards In Modern-Day Cardiology

“The personal responsibility and the sacred relationship that comes with being someone’s physician has given me one of the strongest senses of purpose in my life.” – Dr Pinakin V Parekh

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.