Essential Guide To Types of Cancer Screenings By Dr Wong Siew Wei, Medical Oncologist In Singapore

There are a number of cancer screenings that are considered essential. In this Parkway Cancer Centre blog article, Dr Wong Siew Wei, medical oncologist in Singapore, explains what the essential types of cancer screenings are.

Why Cancer Screening Is Important

In the article, Dr Wong Siew Wei explains that an estimated 20% of people worldwide may develop cancer before the age 75. With cancer screening, there is a better chance of detecting cancer at an earlier stage, or detecting conditions that may lead to cancer while people are still asymptomatic. Cancer screening can hence help to improve the chances of survival, since cancer treatment is most effective when applied while the cancer is still in an early stage.

What Are The Essential Cancer Screenings?

Dr Wong lists the screenings for 3 types of cancer:

Breast Cancer

Women aged 40 and above should undergo mammography to screen for breast cancer.

Colorectal Cancer

There are 3 tests applicable for colorectal cancer, for both men and women aged 45 & above. They are, Fecal occult blood test (FOBT), colonoscopy, and CT colonography.

Cervical Cancer

Women aged 21 and above should get screening for cervical cancer using Pap smear or HPV test.

Other Cancer Screenings

Dr Wong advises that healthy individuals can discuss with their doctors additional individualised screening tests for prostate cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer and lung cancer.

Dr Wong Siew Wei (Medical Oncologist) Is A Member Of Health365’s Expert Advisory Board

Dr Wong is a senior consultant, medical oncologist from Parkway Cancer Centre. He is currently a member of our Expert Advisory Board. He has reviewed our articles on prostate cancer and also shared his insights on the cost of cancer treatment in Singapore in our webinar held in 2022.

Cancer Screenings From Healthcare Provider Are Available On Health365

Health365, in partnership with trusted healthcare providers from Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand offers health screening packages including cancer screening for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer Discover your available options now.


Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform -

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.