Gastroscopy Risks And Complications – Why Singapore Has Its Advantages

Gastroscopy Risks And Complications – Why Singapore Has Its Advantages

Gastroscopy risks and complications - Singapore has advantages

The cost of healthcare in Singapore is an issue of concern to many residents. For this reason, it is well worth considering overseas options for the lower pricing. As an example, health screening in Malaysia will be cheaper than in Singapore to varying degrees, depending on the screening procedures and the chosen healthcare provider. Take for specific instance, a gastroscopy screening, which is the current gold-standard for stomach cancer detection. The cost of gastroscopy in Malaysia may be generally lower compared to Singapore. However, when one takes in to consideration the possibility of gastroscopy risks and complications, the decision is no longer so straightforward.

Learn More: Gastroscopy And Colonoscopy Screening >>

Additional Costs Associated With Travelling Overseas

First and foremost, the gap between the gas of gastroscopy in Singapore and the cost of gastroscopy in Malaysia narrows when (i) we consider the higher end of the price spectrum in Malaysia for higher quality services and facilities (e.g. gastroscopy may cost up to around S$1,800 if done at a higher-end hospital in Kuala Lumpur), and (ii) the cost of travelling and accommodation in a foreign country is factored in (another S$200-$300 for a return trip by budget airline, and about S$300 per a 2 night stay at a hotel – adding to a total of an additional $500-$600).

Cost Of Gastroscopy In SingaporeCost Of Gastroscopy In Kuala Lumpur (including typical airfare and accommodation costs)
From around S$2,500From around S$2,300 – S$2,400
Table: Adjusted Estimated Cost Of Gastroscopy In Singapore Vs In Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Dealing With Gastroscopy Risk And Complications Overseas

A major consideration of undergoing an elective procedure overseas is the possibility of gastroscopy risks and complications, and the cost of dealing with these complications while overseas.

What Are The Gastroscopy Risks And Complications?

Complications (adverse events) arising out from procedures such as gastroscopy are rare but nonetheless possible. These include events such as heart problems, bleeding, perforation of the intestines, infections, and sedation-related events. The estimated likelihood of each type of complication is tabulated below:

Gastroscopy Risks And ComplicationsEstimated Probability*
Cardiopulmonary Adverse Events0.6%
Perforation1 in 2,500 and 1 in 11,000
InfectionUp to 8%
Sedation-related events0.1%-0.3%
Table: Estimated Likelihoods Of Gastroscopy Risks And Complications

*Source: Complications of diagnostic upper Gastrointestinal endoscopy: common and rare – recognition, assessment and management, National Library Of Medicine

** Source: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, National Library Of Medicine

In the event that a complication strikes, there are advantages for Singapore residents to dealing with them locally, rather than overseas. A recent gastroscopy mishap involved a Singaporean who underwent gastroscopy in Korea (see Stratis Times report). The 35 year-old patient is thought to have suffered an adverse reaction to the sedation used, and is now in a vegetative state. According to the Straits Times, “Medical lawsuits in South Korea are known to take longer than normal lawsuits. Government data shows that the average duration of a medical dispute case is 25 months, five times longer than the average civil lawsuit.” In the meantime, the patient’s family faces the prospect of not being able to bring the patient back to Singapore for proper treatment as they need to stay in Korea to complete the lawsuit.

The medical sector in Singapore is highly rated and highly regulated. A 2024 CEOWorld Magazine’s Health Care Index analyzed the overall quality of healthcare systems across various countries. It took into consideration factors such as healthcare infrastructure, healthcare professionals’ competencies, availability of quality medicine, and government readiness. In this Index, Singapore came up as No. 1. Malaysia, while also known as a popular healthcare tourism hub, ranked 42. Hence, one might surmise that should an unexpected complication occur, the medical system in Singapore may be better positioned to deal with it in a fast and effective manner.

A Balance Of Cost And Assurance

Ultimately, whether one chooses to receive healthcare in Singapore or overseas, is a matter of balancing between cost and assurance. If cost is an over-riding concern, seeking health screenings overseas remain an attractive option. However, it you want the highest level of quality, assurance of excellence and regulatory oversight, arguably, nothing beats local medical services such as gastroscopy in Singapore.

Contact Us For A Gastroscopy Or Comprehensive Health Screening

Health365 has heathcare-provider partners in Singapore and other parts of the region who can provide gastroscopy, colonoscopy and comprehensive health screening services. Contact us for an appointment.


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