Health Screening Package – Singapore, Malaysia Price Comparisons

Health Screening Package – Singapore, Malaysia Price Comparisons

Basic Health Screening Singapore

Prevention is better than cure, and early treatment before an existing condition shows symptoms is also advantageous. This is why taking charge of your health begins with regular health screenings is a crucial aspect of preventive healthcare. In Singapore and in neighbouring Malaysia, there are a myriad of health screening packages available. How to choose the “best” package? This may well be the one that suits “suits your needs” best, and within your desired budget. In this guide, we will walk you through the factors to consider when selecting the best health screening package in Singapore or Malaysia , to ensure that you make informed decisions for your well-being.

Price Comparisons Of Common Types Of Health Screening Package – Singapore, Malaysia

We have compiled for your convenient reference, a collection of health screening packages from selected healthcare providers in Singapore and Malaysia (including from health365 medical partners). Undergoing health screening in Singapore has the benefit of convenience and confidence that your health is in the hands of one of the best healthcare systems in the world. However, if cost is a consideration, you can consider having your health screening in Malaysia. Given the strength of the Singapore dollar, overseas services are made more affordable. Inclusion in this list does not constitute recommendation, and the information provided is accurate as of date of publication.

1. Basic Health Screening

Basic health screenings usually involve body measurements such as BMI, visual acuity and colour vision. It also typically includes fundamental tests such as blood pressure measurement, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, and basic organ function tests. Those with no family history or past medical history may opt for basic health screening packages.



Raffles Medical

Lifestyle Package





S$327 (with GST)

S$249.39 (with GST)

RM 688 (approx S$196)

RM 551 (approx S$157)

RM900 (approx S$256)

RM 1,100 (approx S$313)


1. Height & Weight (BMI)
2. Blood Pressure


3. Urine FEME
4. Urine Microalbumin
5. Urine Creatinine
6. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
7. Blood Glucose
8. Blood Cholesterol
9. HbA1c
10. Full Blood Count
11. Kidney Function Test
12. Liver Function Test
13. Gout Screen
14. Bone Disease
15. Rheumatoid Factor
16. Hepatitis A
17. Hepatitis B
18. Thyroid Function (FT4, TSH)
19. Tumour Marker - AFP (Liver)
20. Tumour Marker - CEA (Colon)
21. Tumour Marker - PSA (Prostate) / CA125 (Ovaries)
22. Tumour Marker - CA19.9 (Pancreas)
23. Tumour Marker - EBV EA-IgA (Nose)


1. Height & Weight (BMI)
2. Blood Pressure
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
4. Body Fats Analysis
5. Waist-Hip Ratio


6. Urine FEME
7. Stool Occult Blood
8. Urine Microalbumin
9. Urine Creatinine
10. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
11. Blood Glucose
12. Blood Cholesterol
13. HbA1c
14. Full Blood Count
15. Kidney Function Test
16. Liver Function Test
17. Gout Screen
18. Bone Disease
19. Rheumatoid Factor
20. Hepatitis A
21. Hepatitis B
22. Thyroid Function (FT4, TSH)
23. Tumour Marker - AFP (Liver)
24. Tumour Marker - CEA (Colon)


1. Personal / Family Medical History
2. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
4. Medical Report
5. Medical Review

6. Urine Analysis (FEME)
7. Stool Occult Blood
8. Blood Analysis:

• Full Blood Count
• Peripheral Blood Film
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• Blood Grouping

Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
• Total Cholesterol
• HDL Cholesterol
• Total / HDL Cholesterol Ratio
• LDL Cholesterol
• Triglycerides

Kidney Function Profile
• Urea
• Creatinine
• Sodium
• Potassium
• Chloride
• eGFR

Diabetic Screen
• Blood Glucose (Fasting)

Bone Joint Function
• Uric Acid
• Phosphate
• Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
• Calcium

Liver Function Profile
• Total Protein
• Albumin
• Globulin
• A/G Ratio
• Alkaline Phosphatase
• Gamma GT
• Total Bilirubin

Thyroid Study
• Free T4

Hepatitis Screen
• Hepatitis A Antibody
• Hepatitis Bs Antigen
• Hepatitis Bs Antibody

Tumour Markers
• Liver (AFP)
• Colon (CEA)
• Pancreas (CA 19-9)
• Nose (EBV)
• Prostate (PSA)

Venereal Disease Screen
• VDRL + Titre
• TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)


1. Personal / Family Medical History
2. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
4. Medical Report
5. Medical Review

6. Urine Analysis (FEME)
7. Stool Occult Blood
8. Blood Analysis:

• Full Blood Count
• Peripheral Blood Film
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
• Blood Grouping

Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
• Total Cholesterol
• HDL Cholesterol
• Total / HDL Cholesterol Ratio
• LDL Cholesterol
• Triglycerides

Kidney Function Profile
• Urea
• Creatinine
• Sodium
• Potassium
• Chloride
• eGFR

Diabetic Screen
• Blood Glucose (Fasting)

Bone Joint Function
• Uric Acid
• Phosphate
• Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
• Calcium

Liver Function Profile
• Total Protein
• Albumin
• Globulin
• A/G Ratio
• Alkaline Phosphatase
• Gamma GT
• Total Bilirubin
Thyroid Study
• Free T4

Hepatitis Screen
• Hepatitis A Antibody
• Hepatitis Bs Antigen
• Hepatitis Bs Antibody

Tumour Markers
• Liver (AFP)
• Colon (CEA)
• Pancreas (CA 19-9)
• Nose (EBV)
• Ovaries (CA125)
• Breast (CA 15.3)

Venereal Disease Screen
• VDRL + Titre
• TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)


1. Pre-Health Screening
2. Medical History & Risk
3. Profile Screening
4. Doctor's Consultation
5. Physical Examination
- Height & Weight
- Body Mass Index
- Blood Pressure Reading
6. Post Examination TeleReview & Recommendations
7. Medical Report
8. Health & Lifestyle Counselling
9. Resting ECG


Haematology Profile

10. Full Blood Count
11. PBF

Lipid Profile
12. Total Cholesterol
13. HDL Cholesterol
14. LDL Cholesterol
15. T.Chol/HDL Ratio
16. Triglycerides

Diabetic Panel
17. Fasting Blood Glucose

Renal Profile
18. Urea
19. Creatinine
20. Sodium
21. Potassium
22. Chloride

Bone & Joint Profile
23. Calcium
24. Phosphate
25. Uric Acid

Liver Profile
26. Bilirubin
27. Protein
28. Albumin
29. Globulin
30. A/G Ratio
33. Alkaline Phosphatase
34. GGT

Thyroid Profile
35. Free T4
36. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
38. Hepatitis Bs Antigen
39. Hepatitis Bs Antibody
40. Hepatitis A IgG Antibody

Cancer Marker
41. Alpha Fetoprotein (Liver)
42. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon)

Urine & Stool Analysis
43. Urine FEME
44. Urine Microalbumin
45. Urine Creatinine
46. Urine Microalbumin / Creatinine Ratio

STD Profile
47. HIV Antibodies


1. Interview on Medical History by Doctor
2. Physical Examination by Doctor
3. Clinical Measurements (BP, H&W, BMI)
4. Visual Acuity
5. 12-Lead Resting Electrocardiogram
6. Post Examination Review by Doctor


7. Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
8. Fasting Blood Sugar
9. Full Blood Count
10. Gout / Uric Acid
11. Urinalysis
12. Kidney Function (Urea & Creatinine)
13. Thyroid Screen (Free T4)
14. Hepatitis B
15. Liver Function (ALT & AST/ GGT)
16. PSA/ CA125
17. HbA1c
18. 2 days Stool Occult Blood Test


1. Medical History Review
2. Full Physical Examination
3. Blood Pressure
4. Heart Rate
5. Temperature
6. Visual Acuity
7. Colour Vision
8. Height

9. Weight
10. BMI
11. Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
12. Treadmill Stress Test
13. Chest X-Ray


14. Full Blood Examination
15. Renal Function Test
16. Diabetic Screen
17. Liver Function Test
18. Lipid Profile
19. Bone Profile
20. Gout
21. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
22. VDRL (titre if reactive)
23. TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)
24. Rheumatoid Factor
25. Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg)
26. Hepatitis B surface Antibody (HBsAb)
27. Hepatitis A Antibody (Total) 
28. Hepatitis C Antibody
29. Urine Examination (Urine FEME)
30. Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
31. Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA)


1. Consultation with doctor
2. AI Fundus Screening
3. ECG with Report
4. Chest X-ray with Report
5. Review of Report


6. HBA1C
7. Free T4
8. Full Blood Count and ESR
9. Blood Group and Rhesus
10. Renal profile (Kidney Function)
11. Liver Function Test
12. Fasting Blood Sugar (Diabetes)
13. Calcium & Phosphates (Bone Metabolism)
14. Uric Acid (Gout)
15. Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
16. TSH (Thyroid disease)
17. Alpha-Fetoprotein (Liver cancer)
18. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon cancer)
19. RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
20. TPA (Syphilis screening)
21. Hepatitis A and B screening (HBsAg, HBsAb, HAV-IgG)
22. Urine test (FEME)


1. Consultation & physical examination by doctor
2. Explanation of screening report by doctor
3. Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
4. Vision testing
5. Pure tone audiometry
6. Body fat analysis
7. Resting ECG
8. Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
9. Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist


10. Fasting glucose
11. Bone metabolism profile
12. Uric Acid
13. Renal function test
14. Liver function test
15. Lipid profile
16. Thyroid function test
17. Urine FEME
18. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
19. Full blood count
20. Peripheral blood film
21. Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
22. Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
23. Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
24. HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
25. Rheumatoid arthritis factor
26. ABO and rhesus blood Grouping


1. Consultation & physical examination by doctor
2. Explanation of screening report by doctor
3. Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
4. Vision testing
5. Pure tone audiometry
6. Body fat analysis
7. Resting ECG
8. Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
9. Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
10. Ultrasound breast with report by radiologist


11. Pap smear (liquid based cytology)
12. Fasting glucose
13. Bone metabolism profile
14. Uric Acid
15. Renal function test
16. Liver function test
17. Lipid profile
18. Thyroid function test
19. Urine FEME
20. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
21. Full blood count
22. Peripheral blood film
23. Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
24. Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
25. Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
26. HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
27. Rheumatoid arthritis factor
28. ABO and rhesus blood grouping

2. Comprehensive Health Screening

Comprehensive health screening often includes a broader range of tests apart from basic health screening tests. It may include tests such as blood count, lipid profile, liver and kidney function, blood glucose, urinalysis, and tumour markers. Diagnostic imaging tests may also be part of the package such as ultrasound and CT scans. These may be the best health screening for those with family history of diseases and risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Consider these also if you are aged 40 and above.



Raffles Medical

Deluxe Plus (Men)

Raffles Medical

Deluxe Plus (Ladies) Package




S$1,109.62 (with GST)



RM 1,435 (S$408)

RM 1,597 (approx  S$454)

RM 1,800 (approx S$512)

RM 2,050 (approx S$583)

RM 1,088 (approx S$309)


1. Height & Weight (BMI)
2. Blood Pressure
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
4. Body Fats Analysis
5. Waist-Hip Ratio
6. Tonometry
7. Chest X-ray
8. Resting Electrocardiogram
9. Choice of 1:
- Mammogram
- Ultrasound Breast
- Ultrasound Prostate
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Ultrasound Abdomen


10. Urine FEME
11. Stool Occult Blood
12. Urine Microalbumin
13. Urine Creatinine
14. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
15. Blood Glucose
16. Blood Cholesterol
17. HbA1c
18. Full Blood Count
19. Kidney Function Test
20. Liver Function Test
21. Gout Screen
22. Bone Disease
23. Rheumatoid Factor
24. Hepatitis A
25. Hepatitis B
26. Thyroid Function (FT4, TSH)
27. Tumour Marker - AFP (Liver)
28. Tumour Marker - CEA (Colon)
29. Tumour Marker - PSA (Prostate) / CA125 (Ovaries)
30. Tumour Marker - CA19.9 (Pancreas)
31. Tumour Marker - EBV EA-IgA (Nose)
32. Tumour Marker - Beta HCG (Testicular) / CA15.3 (Breast)


1. Medical Examination
2. Personal / Family Medical History
3. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
4. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
5. Chest X-Ray
6. 12-Lead Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
7. Medical Report
8. Medical Review- If Results Abnormal
9. Choice of 1 out of the following tests :
- Hepatobiliary System Ultrasound (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen and Bile Duct)
- Bone Mineral Densitometry
- Prostate Ultrasound (Male)
- Treadmill Stress ECG
- Urea Breath Test


11. Urine Analysis (FEME)
12. Stool Occult Blood
13. Blood Analysis:


- Full Blood Count
- Peripheral Blood Film
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Blood Grouping

Lipid/Cholesterol Profile

- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- Total / HDL Cholesterol Ratio
- LDL Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Apolipoprotein A1
- Apolipoprotein B

Kidney Function Profile
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- eGFR

Diabetic Screen

- Blood Glucose (Fasting)

Bone Joint Function

- Uric Acid
- Phosphate
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
- Calcium

Liver Function Profile

- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G Ratio
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Gamma GT
- Total Bilirubin
- Thyroid Study
- Free T4

Hepatitis Screen

- Hepatitis A & Bs Antibody
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen

Tumour Markers

- Liver (AFP)
- Colon (CEA)
- Prostate (PSA) – Male

Venereal Disease Screen

- VDRL + Titre
- TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)

Other Screen

- GASTROClear* test

* Blood can be drawn 2 hours after a meal. It is recommended not to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat pickled food for at least 1 day before blood collection.


1. Medical Examination
2. Personal / Family Medical History
3. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
4. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
5. Chest X-Ray
6. 12-Lead Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
7. Medical Report
8. Medical Review- If Results Abnormal
9. Choice of 1 from the following 7 tests :
- Hepatobiliary System Ultrasound (Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen and Bile Duct)
- Bone Mineral Densitometry
- Treadmill Stress ECG
- Breast Ultrasound
- Mammogram
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Urea Breath Test


10. ThinPrep
11. Urine Analysis (FEME)
12. Stool Occult Blood
13. Blood Analysis:


- Full Blood Count
- Peripheral Blood Film
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Blood Grouping

Lipid/Cholesterol Profile

- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- Total / HDL Cholesterol Ratio
- LDL Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Apolipoprotein A1
- Apolipoprotein B

Kidney Function Profile

- Urea
- Creatinine
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- eGFR

Diabetic Screen

- Blood Glucose (Fasting)

Bone Joint Function

- Uric Acid
- Phosphate
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
- Calcium

Liver Function Profile

- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G Ratio
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Gamma GT
- Total Bilirubin
- Thyroid Study
- Free T4

Hepatitis Screen

- Hepatitis A & Bs Antibody
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen

Tumour Markers

- Liver (AFP)
- Colon (CEA)
- Ovaries (CA125)

Venereal Disease Screen

- VDRL + Titre
- TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)

Other Screen

- GASTROClear* test

* Blood can be drawn 2 hours after a meal. It is recommended not to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat pickled food for at least 1 day before blood collection.


1. Pre-Health Screening Questionnaire
2. Medical History & Risk Profile - Screening
3. Doctor's Consultation
4. Physical Examination
5. Height & Weight
6. Body Mass Index
7. Blood Pressure Reading
8. Resting ECG
9. Visual acuity
10. Colour vision
11. Tonometry
12. Post Examination TeleReview & Recommendations
13. Medical Report
14. Health & Lifestyle Counselling
15. Chest X-ray
16. Choice of two ultrasound scans:
- Ultrasound Thyroid
- Ultrasound Breast (Female)
- Ultrasound Hepatobiliary System (HBS)
- Ultrasound Kidney
- Ultrasound Pelvis (Female)
- Ultrasound Prostate (Male)

Optional Add-On Tests
- Mammogram (Only for ladies aged 40s and above)


Haematology Profile
17. Full Blood Count
18. PBF
19. ABO Grouping

Iron Studies
20. Iron
21.Total Iron Binding Capacity
22. % Iron Saturation
23. Ferritin
24. Transferrin

Lipid Profile / Cardiac Risk Profile
25. Total Cholesterol
26. HDL Cholesterol
27. LDL Cholesterol
28. T.Chol/HDL Ratio
29. Triglycerides
30. hs C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP)

Diabetic Panel
31. Fasting Blood Glucose
32. HbA1c

Renal Profile
33. Urea
34. Creatinine
35. Sodium
36. Potassium
37. Chloride

Bone & Joint Profile
38. Calcium
39. Phosphate
40. Uric Acid
41. Rheumatoid Factor
42. Vitamin D

Liver Profile
43. Bilirubin
44. Protein
45. Albumin
46. Globulin
47. A/G Ratio
50. Alkaline Phosphatase
51. GGT

Thyroid Profile
52. Free T4
53. Free T3
54. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Hepatitis Profile
55. Hepatitis Bs Antigen
56. Hepatitis Bs Antibody
57. Hepatitis A IgG Antibody
58. Hepatitis C IgG Antibody

Cancer Marker
59. Alpha Fetoprotein (Liver)
60. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon)
61. CA 19.9 (Pancreas)
62. CA 125 (Ovary) (Female)
63. EBV EA + EBNA-1 IgA (Nose)
64. Beta HCG (Germ Cell Tumour)
65. CA 15.3 (Breast) (Female)
66. Prostate Specific Antigen (Prostate) (Male)

Urine & Stool AnalysisUrine FEME
67. Urine Microalbumin
68. Urine Creatinine
69. Urine Microalbumin / Creatinine Ratio
70. Stool Occult Blood

STD Profile
71. HIV Antibodies
72. VDRL & TPHA if "+"

Anaemia Profile
73. Folic Acid
74. Vitamin B12

Hormone Profile
75. Testosterone (Testicle) (Male)
76. Estradiol E (Female)

Cervical Screening
77. Thin Prep (Female)


1. Consultation and Physical Examination by Doctor
2. Body Fat Measurement
3. Height / Weight / BMI
4. Visual Acuity
5. Medical Report
6. Post Examination Review by Doctor

7. Chest X-ray

8. Choose 1 out of 3

- Ultrasound Liver
- Ultrasound Prostate
- Ultrasound Thyroid

9. 12 Leads Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)


10. Complete Haematological Parameters
11. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
12. Liver Function Test
13. Kidney Function Test
14. Blood Glucose
15. HbA1c (Diabetic Screening)
16. Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
17. Gout (Uric Acid)
18. Thyroid Screening: Free T4 & TSH
19. Bone Mineral Status: Calcium & Phosphate
20. Rheumatoid Factor
21. Hepatitis A Screening
22. Hepatitis B Screening
23. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
24. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
25. Tumour Marker - Pancreas (CA 19-9)
26. HIV Screening
27. Venereal Disease (VDRL / TPHA)
28. Urinalysis
29. Stool Occult Blood
30. B-HCG
31. Insulin
32. Measles Virus lgG
33. Tumour Marker – Prostate (PSA)


1. Consultation and Physical Examination by Doctor
2. Body Fat Measurement
3. Height / Weight / BMI
4. Visual Acuity
5. Medical Report
6. Post Examination Review by Doctor

7. Chest X-ray

8. Choose 1 out of 5

- Ultrasound Liver
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- Ultrasound Thyroid
- Ultrasound Breast
- Mammogram

9.12 Leads Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)


10. Complete Haematological Parameters
11. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
12. Liver Function Test
13. Kidney Function Test
14. Blood Glucose
15. HbA1c (Diabetic Screening)
16. Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
17. Gout (Uric Acid)
18. Thyroid Screening: Free T4 & TSH
19. Bone Mineral Status: Calcium & Phosphate
20. Rheumatoid Factor
21. Hepatitis A Screening
22. Hepatitis B Screening
23. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
24. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
25. Tumour Marker - Pancreas (CA 19-9)
26. HIV Screening
27. Venereal Disease (VDRL / TPHA)
28. Urinalysis
29. Stool Occult Blood
30. B-HCG
31. Insulin
32. Measles Virus lgG
33. Choose 1 out of 2
- SurePath™ Liquid-based Pap Test
- Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)


1. Consultation with doctor
2. AI Fundus Screening
3. ECG with Report
4. Chest X-ray with Report
5. Stress ECG (Treadmill) with Report
6. Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
7. Audiometry
8. Review of Report


9. HBA1C
10. Free T4
12. Hepatitis C
13. Helicobacter Pylori
14. CA 19.9 (for gastro-intestinal cancer)
15. PSA (for prostate cancer)
16. Full Blood Count and ESR
17. Blood Group and Rhesus
18. Renal profile (Kidney Function)
19. Liver Function Test
20. Fasting Blood Sugar (Diabetes)
21. Calcium & Phosphates (Bone Metabolism)
22. Uric Acid (Gout)
23. Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
24. TSH (Thyroid disease)
25. Alpha-Fetoprotein (Liver cancer)
26. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon cancer)
27. RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
28 TPA (Syphilis screening)
29. Hepatitis A and B screening (HBsAg, HBsAb, HAV-IgG)
30. Urine test (FEME)


1. Consultation with doctor
2. AI Fundus Screening
3. ECG with Report
4. Chest X-ray with Report
5. Audiometry
6. Stress ECG (Treadmill) with Report
7. Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
8. Review Of Report


9. HBA1C
10. Free T4
12. Hepatitis C
13. Helicobacter Pylori
14. CA 19.9 (for gastro-intestinal cancer)
15. Liquid –based Pap Smear Test
16. CA 15.3 (for breast cancer)
17. CA 125 (for ovary cancer)
18. Full Blood Count and ESR
19. Blood Group and Rhesus
20. Renal profile (Kidney Function)
21. Liver Function Test
22. Fasting Blood Sugar (Diabetes)
23. Calcium & Phosphates (Bone Metabolism)
24. Uric Acid (Gout)
25. Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
26. TSH (Thyroid disease)
27. Alpha-Fetoprotein (Liver cancer)
28. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon cancer)
29. RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
30. TPA (Syphilis screening)
31. Hepatitis A and B screening (HBsAg, HBsAb, HAV-IgG)
32. Urine test (FEME)


1. Consultation & physical examination by doctor
2. Explanation of screening report by doctor
3. Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
4. Vision testing
5. Pure tone audiometry
6. Body fat analysis
7. Diet & wellness counselling
8. Opthalmic screening
9. Resting ECG
10. Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist
11. Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
12. Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
13. DEXA Scan (3 region) with report by radiologist


14. Fasting glucose
15. HbA1c
16. Bone metabolism profile
17. Uric Acid
18. Renal function test
19. Liver function test
20. Lipid profile
21. Thyroid function test
22. Urine FEME
23. Male hormonal profile
   -Testosterone level
   - Prolactin
   - Cortisol
24. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
25. Male tumour markers
   - PSA (prostate specific antigen)
   - CA 199
   - CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
26. Full blood count
27. Peripheral blood film
28. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
29. Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
30. Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
31. Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
32. HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
33. Rheumatoid arthritis factor
34. ABO and rhesus blood Grouping


1. Consultation & physical examination by doctor
2. Explanation of screening report by doctor
3. Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
4. Vision testing
5. Pure tone audiometry
6. Body fat analysis
7. Diet & wellness counselling
8. Opthalmic screening
9. Resting ECG
10. Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist
11. Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
12. Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
13. Mammogram/breast ultrasound with report by radiologist
14. DEXA Scan (3 region) with report by radiologist


15. Fasting glucose
16. HbA1c
17. Bone metabolism profile
18. Uric Acid
19. Renal function test
20. Liver function test
21. Lipid profile
22. Thyroid function test
23. Urine FEME
24. Female hormonal profile
   - Follicle stimulating hormone
   - Luteinizing hormone
   - Oestradiol (E2)
   - Prolactin
   - Cortisol
   - Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
25. Female tumour markers
   - CA 125
   - CA 153
   - CA 199
   - CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
26. Pap smear (liquid based cytology)
27. Full blood count
28. Peripheral blood film
29. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
30. Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
31. Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
32. Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
33. HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
34. Rheumatoid arthritis factor
35. ABO and rhesus blood Grouping


1. Medical History Review

2. Full Physical Examination

3. Vital Sign Assessment

- Blood Pressure

- Heart Rate

- Temperature

- Visual Acuity

- Colour Vision

- Height



4. Cardiac Profile

 - Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)

- Treadmill Stress Test


5. Radiology & Examination

- Chest X-Ray


6. Profile Tests

- Full Blood Examination

- Renal Function Test

- Diabetic Screen

- Liver Function Test

- Lipid Profile

- Bone Profile

- Gout

 7. Thyroid Screen

- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

- Free T4 (FT4) & Free T3 (FT3)

 8. Immunology & Serology

- VDRL (titre if reactive)

- TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)

- Rheumatoid Factor

- Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg)

- Hepatitis B surface Antibody (HBsAb)

- Hepatitis C Antibody

- HIV Ag/Ab Screening

- Urine Examination (Urine FEME)

 9. Tumour Markers

- Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)

- Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA)

- CA19.9

- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for Male / CA 125 & CA 15.3 for Female

3. Cancer-Focused Health Screening

Cancer screening packages target specific types of cancer or provide a comprehensive assessment for various cancers. Common cancer screenings include mammograms for breast cancer, Pap smears for cervical cancer, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests for prostate cancer, and tumour marker tests.


Raffles Medical

Executive Plus (Men) Package

Raffles Medical

Executive Plus (Ladies) Package









1. Clinical Examination by Internal Medicine Specialist
2. CT Lungs
3. Ultrasound Abdomen
4. Ultrasound Thyroid Gland
5. Ultrasound prostate gland
6. Review of Results with Internal Medicine Specialist


7. Blood Analysis
8. ABO Blood Group
9. Bone & Joint Profile
10. Diabetes Profile
11. HbA1C
12. Haematology Profile
13. Hepatitis A, B & C Screen
14. Lipid Profile
15. Tissue Inflammation Screen
16. Creatine Kinase
17. Liver Profile
18. Renal Profile
19. Thyroid Profile
20. H. Pylori
21. Cancer Screen – Stomach & Intestine
22. Cancer Screen – Liver
23. Cancer Screen – Pancreas
24. Cancer Screen – Nose
25. Cancer Screen – Prostate
26. Total Vitamin D (D2 & D3 Reading)
27. VD Syphilis Screen
29. Stool Occult Blood
30. Urine FEME
31. Urine Microalb/CRE Ratio
33. Testosterone


1. Clinical Examination by Internal Medicine Specialist
2. CT Lungs
3. Ultrasound Abdomen
4. Ultrasound Thyroid Gland
5. Mammogram / Ultrasound Breast
6. Ultrasound Pelvic Organs
7. Review of Results with Internal Medicine Specialist


8. Blood Analysis
9. ABO Blood Group
10. Bone & Joint Profile
11. Diabetes Profile
12. HbA1C
13. Haematology Profile
14. Hepatitis A, B & C Screen
15. Lipid Profile
16. Tissue Inflammation Screen
17. Creatine Kinase
18. Liver Profile
19. Renal Profile
20. Thyroid Profile
21. H. Pylori
22. Cancer Screen – Stomach & Intestine
23. Cancer Screen – Liver
24. Cancer Screen – Pancreas
25. Cancer Screen – Nose
26. Cancer Screen – Ovary
27. Total Vitamin D (D2 & D3 Reading)
28. VD Syphilis Screen
30. Stool Occult Blood
31. Urine FEME
32. Urine Microalb/CRE Ratio
34. Pap Smear


1. Doctor Consultation / medical report / medical review (for adverse results)
2. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision


4. GASTROClear* (Stomach Cancer)
5. Tumour Markers

- Liver (AFP)
- Colon (CEA)
- Pancreas (CA 19-9)
- Prostate (PSA)
- Beta HCG
- Nose (EVB)

* Blood can be drawn 2 hours after a meal. It is recommended not to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat pickled food for at least 1 day before blood collection.


1. Doctor Consultation / medical report / medical review (for adverse results)
2. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis & Body Mass Index
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision


4. GASTROClear* (Stomach Cancer)
5. Tumour Markers

- Liver (AFP)
- Colon (CEA)
- Pancreas (C19-9)
- Ovaries (CA125)
- Breast (CA15.3)
- Nose (EVB)

* Blood can be drawn 2 hours after a meal. It is recommended not to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat pickled food for at least 1 day before blood collection.


1. Height & Weight (BMI)
2. Blood Pressure
3. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
4. Body Fats Analysis
5. Waist-Hip Ratio
6. Tonometry
7. Chest X-ray
8. Resting Electrocardiogram
9. 2D Echocardiogram
10. Calcium Score
11. Choice of 2:

- Mammogram
- Ultrasound Breast
- Ultrasound Prostate
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Ultrasound Abdomen


12. Urine FEME
13. Stool Occult Blood
14. Urine Microalbumin
15. Urine Creatinine
16. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
17. Blood Glucose
18. Blood Cholesterol
19. HbA1c
20. Full Blood Count
21. Kidney Function Test
22. Liver Function Test
23. Gout Screen
24. Bone Disease
25. Rheumatoid Factor
26. Hepatitis A
27. Hepatitis B
28. Thyroid Function (FT4, TSH)
29. Tumour Marker - AFP (Liver)
30. Tumour Marker - CEA (Colon)
31. Tumour Marker - PSA (Prostate) / CA125 (Ovaries)
32. Tumour Marker - CA19.9 (Pancreas)
33. Tumour Marker - EBV EA-IgA (Nose)
34. Tumour Marker - Beta HCG (Testicular) / CA15.3 (Breast)
35. Helicobacter Pylori
36. Hepatitis C
37. Heart Screen (Apolipoprotein A, Apolipoprotein B, Apo B/A1 Ratio, HsCRP)
38. Deficiency Screen (Vit D, Vit B12, Folate, Iron)


1. Consultation and Physical Examination by Doctor
2. Body Fat Measurement
3. Height/ Weight/ BMI
4. Visual Acuity

5. Chest X-ray

6. Choose 1 out of 3:

- Ultrasound Abdomen
- Ultrasound Prostate
- Ultrasound Thyroid

7. 12 Leads Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
8. Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)

9. Medical Report
10. Post Examination Review by Doctor


11. Complete Haematological Parameters
12. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
13. Liver Function Test
14. Kidney Function Test
15. Blood Glucose
16. HbA1c (Diabetic Screening)
17. Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
18. Gout (Uric Acid)
19. Thyroid Screening: Free T4 & TSH
20. Bone Mineral Status: Calcium & Phosphate
21. Rheumatoid Factor
22. Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
23. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D
24. Anaemia Screening: B12
25. Anaemia Screening: Folate
26. Magnesium
27. Iron
28. Ferritin
29. HIV Screening
30. Venereal Disease (VDRL/ TPHA)
31. Hepatitis A Screening
32. Hepatitis B Screening
33. Hepatitis C Screening
34. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
35. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
36. Tumour Marker – Pancreas (CA 19-9)
37. Tumour Marker – Nose (EBV)
38. Helicobacter Pylori IGG
39. Urinalysis
40. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
41. Stool Occult Blood
42. B-HCG
43.  Insulin
44.  Measles Virus IgG
45. GASTROClear
46. Molecular blood test for early detection of gastric cancer
47. Hormonal Profile: Testosterone
48. Tumour Marker - Prostate (PSA)


1. Consultation and Physical Examination by Doctor
2.  Body Fat Measurement
3. Height/ Weight/ BMI
4. Visual Acuity

5. Chest X-ray

6. Choose 2 out of 6

- Ultrasound Abdomen
- Ultrasound Pelvis
- Ultrasound Thyroid
- Ultrasound Breast
- Mammogram
- Bone Densitometry

7. 12 Leads Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
8. Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)

9. Medical Report
10. Post Examination Review by Doctor


11. Laboratory Analysis
12. Complete Haematological Parameters
13. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
14. Liver Function Test
15. Kidney Function Test
16. Blood Glucose
17. HbA1c (Diabetic Screening)
18. Lipid / Cholesterol Profile
19. Gout (Uric Acid)
20. Thyroid Screening: Free T4 & TSH
21. Bone Mineral Status: Calcium & Phosphate
22. Rheumatoid Factor
23. Cardiac Risk: HS CRP
24. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D
25. Anaemia Screening: B12
26. Anaemia Screening: Folate
27. Magnesium
28. Iron
29. Ferritin
30. HIV Screening
31. Venereal Disease (VDRL/ TPHA)
32. Hepatitis A Screening
33. Hepatitis B Screening
34. Hepatitis C Screening
35. Tumour Marker - Liver (AFP)
36. Tumour Marker - Colon (CEA)
37. Tumour Marker – Pancreas (CA 19-9)
38. Tumour Marker – Nose (EBV)
39. Helicobacter Pylori IGG
40. Urinalysis
41. Urine Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio
42. Stool Occult Blood
43. B-HCG
44. Insulin
45. Measles Virus IgG
46. GASTROClear
47. Molecular blood test for early detection of gastric cancer
48. Hormonal Profile: Estradiol (E2)
49. Hormonal Profile: Follicle Stimulating - Hormones (FSH)

Choose 2 out of 3

- Tumour Marker - Ovary (CA 125)
- Tumour Marker - Breast (CA 15.3)
- SurePath™ Liquid-based Pap Test

Disclaimer: Information in this table are from healthcare providers at of time of publication. This information may change from time to time due to changes in prices and included test items by the healthcare providers.

Factors To Consider To Find The Best Health Screening Package In Singapore Or Malaysia For You

1. Health Goals

Consider factors such as your age, family medical history, and specific health concerns. Whether you are focused on cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, or overall wellness, having clear objectives will guide you in selecting the best health screening package in Singapore suited for you.

2. Components of the Package

Depending your goals, you may opt for more basic packages, or those that cover a more comprehensive range of tests. A well-rounded package ensures a holistic assessment of your health.

3. Healthcare Provider’s Reputation

Choose a reputable healthcare provider with a track record of delivering accurate and reliable results. Research the credentials of the medical professionals and the facility’s accreditation.

4. Convenience and Accessibility

Choose a healthcare provider with conveniently located facilities and flexible appointment schedules. Accessibility and convenience are crucial factors in ensuring that you can consistently prioritise your health without unnecessary barriers.

5. Costs and Coverages

While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is essential to understand the pricing structure of different health screening packages. Inquire about any additional costs for follow-up consultations or further diagnostic tests. General health screening packages are not covered by MediSave. 

Pros & Cons Of Health Screening In Singapore And Malaysia

1) Singapore has some of the best medical services in the world.
2) Home to local patients and the best cultural fit.
3) Convenience and ease of home location.

1) Known for providing cost-effective options for medical procedures, with well-trained and experienced doctors and medical professional.
2) Multicultural country with a diverse population, and healthcare professionals often speak multiple languages, including English and Chinese. 
3) Popular tourist destination known for its cultural diversity, vibrant cities, and natural attractions. The country offers a pleasant environment for individuals seeking medical procedures, providing opportunities for relaxation and tourism before or after the health screening.
1) May be more costly compared to alternatives in Malaysia or Thailand.

1) The quality of medical facilities may vary, and patients should carefully research and choose reputable clinics.

Contact Us To Book An Appointment

To schedule an appointment or for further inquiries about health screening packages, contact us through the button below.

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Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform -

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.