Comprehensive Health Screening In Singapore

Comprehensive Health Screening In Singapore

Health Screening In Singapore

Singapore is regarded as a country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world. A key component of Singapore’s healthcare system is preventive healthcare. The Government actively promotes preventive healthcare by encouraging residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular health screenings in Singapore to detect and manage health issues and problems early on.

What Is Health Screening And Why Should I Do It?

Health screening is a medical test or examination that helps detect potential health issues or risk factors in individuals who are deemed healthy or do not have any symptoms. It is aimed to identify any health issues at an early stage when treatment is most effective. 

This is why health screening, particularly regular health screening in Singapore, is important in anyone’s healthcare routine. It empowers you with knowledge about your health and enables you to make informed decisions about it. Knowing an underlying health condition will also help you adopt a healthy lifestyle and engage in preventive measures while it is still early. All in all, health screening contributes to better health, reduced healthcare cost, and promotes overall well-being.

What Are The Recommended Health Screening In Singapore?

According to the Guidelines For Health Screening by the Ministry of Health, below are the recommended screenings for men and women at average risk for particular chronic diseases. It is to note that a healthcare provider may personalise the timing of each test to best cater to an individual’s needs. 

Age GroupScreeningScreening InformationFrequency
18 years old and aboveObesityMeasure Body Mass Index (BMI)Once a year
40 years old and aboveHigh Blood Pressure Once every two years or as advised by the doctor
Blood Cholesterol Check fasting lipidsEvery 3 years if the first screening is normal
Diabetes MellitusCheck fasting blood glucoseEvery 3 years if the first screening is normal
50 years old and aboveColorectal CancerFaecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)Once a year

Additional Tests For Women 

Age GroupScreeningScreening InformationFrequency
18 years old and aboveCervical CancerPap smearOnce every 3 years for women who have ever had sexual intercourse
40 to 50 years old and aboveBreast CancerMammogramOnce a year for ages 40 to 50 and once in two years for ages 50 years old and above

Additional Tests For Men 

Age GroupScreeningScreening InformationFrequency
50 years old and aboveProstate CancerEarly screening for men over 50 years with close relatives with prostate cancer arising before the age of 60

Opting For More Comprehensive Health Screening

Aside from going for the above Government recommended health screening in Singapore, an individual may also consider undergoing a more comprehensive set of tests for an added peace of mind. Doing so allows for a more comprehensive assessment of one’s health and understanding of one’s personal health risks (e.g. more cancer risk and heart health tests, imaging scans). If in doubt, you should consult your doctor before deciding on how comprehensively you should screen for.

Where To Get Packages For Comprehensive Health Screening In Singapore And How Much Does It Cost?

Health screening packages from trusted medical providers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand are available on our e-commerce site. Visit the page now to discover your options.


Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform -

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.