Health Screening Tests Explained

Health Screening Tests Explained

A List Of Health Screening Tests

Health screening tests are an important part of preventive health care. It helps people know if they have any underlying health issues even if they do not experience any symptoms. Detecting a health problem in its early stages is crucial in order to get timely treatment or health management, which may then lead to a higher chance of better outcome. In this article, we provide a brief explanation of the health screening tests that may be included in health screening packages. The list is ordered alphabetically.

12-Lead Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)Heart conditionsRecords electrical activity of the heart to identify heart rhythm disorders, or other cardiac issues.
A/G RatioLiver or kidney functionCalculates the ratio of albumin to globulin levels, providing additional insight into liver or kidney function.
Abdominal UltrasoundAbdominal conditionsUtilises ultrasound to examine abnormalities in liver, kidney, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas.
AlbuminLiver or kidney functionMeasures the level of albumin, a protein produced by the liver, to assess liver or kidney function.
Alkaline PhosphataseLiver or bone conditionsMeasures the level of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme produced by the liver or bones, indicating liver or bone conditions.
Apolipoprotein A1Cardiovascular diseaseMeasures the level of Apolipoprotein A1, a component of HDL cholesterol associated with heart disease risk.
Apolipoprotein BCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the level of Apolipoprotein B, a component of LDL cholesterol associated with heart disease risk.
Blood GlucoseDiabetesMeasures blood glucose levels to screen for diabetes or assess glucose control.
Blood GroupingBlood transfusion compatibilityDetermines an individual’s blood type to ensure compatibility for blood transfusions or organ donations
Body & Visceral Fat AnalysisObesityMeasures body fat and distribution, especially around organs, to assess the risk of obesity-related issues.
Body Mass Index (BMI)ObesityCalculates the ratio of weight to height to determine if a person is underweight, normal weight, or overweight.
Bone Mineral DensitometryOsteoporosisMeasures bone density to assess the risk of osteoporosis and the likelihood of fractures.
Breast UltrasoundBreast abnormalitiesUses ultrasound to examine breast tissue for abnormalities, such as lumps or cysts, aiding in breast cancer detection or evaluation.
CalciumBone healthMeasures the level of calcium in the blood, essential for bone health, muscle function, and nerve function.
Carotid DopplerVascular conditionsUses ultrasound to assess blood flow in the carotid arteries, helping to detect blockages or plaques.
Chest X-RayLung conditionsCaptures images of the chest to diagnose lung diseases, infections, tumors, or abnormalities.
Chlamydia (Swab)Chlamydia infectionDetects the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria in the genital area to screen for chlamydia infection.
ChlorideElectrolyte balanceAssesses chloride levels, important for maintaining proper fluid balance and acid-base balance.
Colon (CEA)Colorectal cancerMeasures the level of carcinoembryonic antigen, a protein associated with colorectal cancer or other gastrointestinal conditions.
ColonoscopyColorectal cancerExamines the colon and rectum to screen for colorectal cancer or detect any abnormalities or polyps.
Creatine KinaseMuscle or heart damageAssesses level of creatine kinase, an enzyme released during muscle injury.
CreatinineKidney functionMeasures the level of creatinine in the blood to evaluate kidney function and detect kidney problems.
CT Body (lung nodule / Low Dose Lung)Lung conditionsProvides detailed cross-sectional images of the chest to detect lung nodules or assess lung health.
CT Calcium ScoreCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the amount of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries, aiding in assessing heart disease risk.
eGFRKidney functionCalculates the estimated glomerular filtration rate to assess kidney function and evaluate kidney disease.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateInflammatory conditionsMeasures the rate at which red blood cells settle to detect inflammation or monitor response to treatment.
Free T4Thyroid functionMeasures the level of free thyroxine, an active thyroid hormone, to assess thyroid function.
Full Blood CountGeneral health assessmentMeasures different components of blood, including red and white blood cells, to evaluate overall health.
Gamma GTLiver functionMeasures the level of gamma-glutamyl transferase, an enzyme associated with liver function and liver disease.
GlobulinLiver or immune disordersMeasures the level of globulin, a group of proteins that can indicate liver or kidney issues or immune disorders.
Gonorrhoea PCR (Swab)Gonorrhoea infectionUses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria in the genital area to screen for gonorrhoea infection.
HbA1cDiabetesMeasures the average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months to assess long-term diabetes control or risk of diabetes/pre-diabetes.
HDL CholesterolCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the level of “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) in the blood, which is protective against heart disease.
Hepatitis A AntibodyHepatitis A infectionDetects antibodies against the hepatitis A virus, indicating previous infection or immunity.
Note: Hep A infection is transmitted via raw shelled fish products.
Hepatitis Bs AntibodyHepatitis B infectionDetects antibodies against the hepatitis B virus, indicating previous infection or immunity.
Note: Hep B infection is transmitted via blood products & sexual contacts.
Hepatitis Bs AntigenHepatitis B infectionDetects the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen, indicating current hepatitis B infection & Hep B carrier status.
Hepatitis C AntibodyHepatitis C infectionDetects antibodies against the hepatitis C virus, indicating previous infection or exposure.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgGHerpes Simplex Virus Type I infectionMeasures the level of IgG antibodies against Herpes Simplex Virus Type I to determine previous exposure or infection.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgGHerpes Simplex Virus Type II infectionMeasures the level of IgG antibodies against Herpes Simplex Virus Type II to determine previous exposure or infection.
HsCRPInflammationMeasures high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels, which indicate systemic inflammation in the body and evaluate risk of heart attacks.
LDL CholesterolCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the level of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the blood, which can contribute to heart disease.
Liver (AFP)Liver cancerMeasures the level of alpha-fetoprotein, a protein associated with liver conditions or other gastrointestinal conditions.
MammogramBreast cancerUses X-rays to capture images of the breast tissue, helping to screen for breast cancer or detect early signs of abnormalities especially suspicious micro-calcifications.
Nose (EBV)Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infectionDetects the presence of antibodies against the Epstein-Barr virus, indicating previous infection or exposure.
Note: EBV is known to be linked with nasopharyngeal cancer.
Ovaries (CA125)Ovarian cancerMeasures the level of CA125, a tumor marker, to screen for ovarian cancer or monitor treatment response.
Pancreas (CA 19-9)Pancreatic cancerMeasures the level of carbohydrate antigen 19-9, which can indicate pancreatic cancer or other gastrointestinal conditions.
Pelvic Ultrasound (Female)Pelvic abnormalitiesUses ultrasound to examine the pelvic organs, such as the uterus and ovaries, to detect abnormalities or monitor reproductive health.
Peripheral Blood FilmBlood disordersExamines blood cells under a microscope to identify abnormalities or disorders affecting blood cells.
PhosphateBone healthAssesses phosphate levels, important for bone health, energy metabolism, muscle and nerve function.
PotassiumElectrolyte balanceAssesses potassium levels, essential mineral that is needed for muscle function, heart rhythm, and overall health.
Prostate (PSA) – MaleProstate conditionsMeasures the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood to screen for prostate cancer or monitor prostate health.
Prostate Ultrasound (Male)Prostate conditionsUses sound waves to create images of the prostate gland, helping to diagnose prostate conditions.
Rheumatoid Arthritis FactorRheumatoid arthritisDetects the presence of antibodies associated with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune joint disease.
SGOT (AST)Liver functionMeasures the level of aspartate aminotransferase, an enzyme that indicates liver damage or disease.
SGPT (ALT)Liver functionMeasures the level of alanine aminotransferase, an enzyme that indicates liver damage or disease.
SodiumElectrolyte balanceAssesses sodium levels, important for fluid balance and nerve function in the body.
Stool Occult BloodColorectal cancerTests for hidden (occult) blood in the stool, which can be an early sign of colorectal cancer.
Thinprep (Female)Cervical cancerA type of Pap smear that uses liquid-based cytology to collect cervical cells for more accurate analysis and detection of abnormal changes.
TonometryGlaucomaMeasures intraocular pressure to diagnose glaucoma, an eye condition that can lead to vision loss.
Total BilirubinLiver functionMeasures the level of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced by the liver, which can indicate liver disease.
Total CholesterolCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, which can indicate the risk of heart disease.
Total ProteinGeneral health assessmentMeasures the total amount of protein in the blood, reflecting nutritional status and overall health.
Total/HDL Cholesterol RatioCardiovascular diseaseCalculates the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol, providing further insight into heart disease risk.
TPHA (if VDRL is reactive)SyphilisConfirms a reactive VDRL
Treadmill Stress ECGHeart conditionsRecords the heart’s electrical activity during exercise to evaluate risk of coronary arteries disease.
TriglyceridesCardiovascular diseaseMeasures the level of fats (triglycerides) in the blood, which can contribute to heart disease risk.
TSHThyroid functionMeasures the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which regulates thyroid hormone production and function (eg: T4, T3)
UreaKidney functionMeasures the level of urea in the blood to assess kidney function and overall health.
Urea Breath TestHelicobacter pylori infectionDetects the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that can cause stomach ulcers or gastritis known also to be linked with gastrointestinal cancer.
Uric AcidGoutMeasures the level of uric acid in the blood to assess risk of gout or monitor its management.
Urine Analysis (FEME)Urinary tract conditionsAnalyzes the urine for the presence of abnormalities, such as infections, kidney problems, or diabetes.
VDRL + TitreSyphilisDetects antibodies against Treponema pallidum, the bacterium causing syphilis, and measures the antibody titre.
Vision Acuity / Colour VisionVisual impairmentsAssesses visual acuity and color perception to detect visual impairments or color vision deficiencies.

This list is reviewed by doctors from Asiamedic.

Where To Get Health Screening Tests In Singapore?

Health365 is a one-stop marketplace for health screening packages in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. In partnership with trusted medical providers from the said countries, Health365 is offering various health screening packages including health screening tests that you can conveniently access from the Health365 Shop. Buy a health screening now and take a proactive step towards better health.


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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.