Health365 Guide To Heart Screening Tests In Singapore

Health365 Guide To Heart Screening Tests In Singapore

Heart Screening Tests Singapore


Heart screening tests are crucial for early detection and management of cardiovascular diseases. In Singapore, a range of heart screening tests are available, each designed to assess different aspects of cardiovascular health. In this health365 guide, we will explore the various heart screening tests in Singapore, their purposes, and what you can expect during each procedure.

Heart Screening In Singapore – A Primer

Get an in-depth look at heart screening in Singapore, its purpose, recommended practices, and what you can expect during a screening session in our article below.

1. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

An electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is a fundamental test that records the electrical activity of the heart. It is essential for evaluating heart rhythm problems, heart attacks, and other heart conditions such as heart blockages, pericarditis, and myocarditis.

Why Is It Done?

  • To assess heart rhythm abnormalities.
  • To detect previous heart attacks.
  • To check for signs of heart blockages or inflammation.


During an ECG, small sensors are attached to the limbs and chest while the patient lies on a couch. The test is quick, painless, and non-invasive, typically taking only a few minutes.

2. Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram, often referred to as an “echo,” uses ultrasound waves to create detailed images of the heart. It provides crucial information about the heart’s structure and function.

Why is it Done?

  • To evaluate the heart’s pump function.
  • To measure the thickness of the heart muscle.
  • To assess heart valve function.
  • To detect signs of previous heart attacks and cardiomyopathies.


The test is non-invasive and involves using a hand-held wand to send high-frequency sound waves to the heart, which are then converted into detailed images. An echocardiogram takes about 40 to 60 minutes to perform.

3. Stress Tests

Stress tests measure how the heart performs under physical stress, which can reveal conditions not apparent during rest.

Types of Stress Tests

  • Treadmill ECG – Also known as an exercise tolerance test, this involves walking on a treadmill while connected to an ECG machine.
  • Stress Echocardiography – Combines an echocardiogram with a stress test to observe the heart’s movement during exercise.
  • Nuclear Stress Test – Involves exercising or taking medication to stress the heart, along with a radioactive tracer to assess blood flow.

Why Are They Done?

  • To detect coronary artery disease.
  • To evaluate heart function during physical activity.
  • To identify areas of the heart with poor blood flow.


The patient exercises on a treadmill or bike, or takes medication to stress the heart, while heart function is monitored using ECG, echo, or nuclear imaging.

4. CT Calcium Score

A CT calcium score uses a CT scanner to measure the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries, providing a score that indicates the risk of coronary artery disease.

Why Is It Done?

  • To predict the risk of future heart attacks.
  • To assess the presence of coronary artery disease.


The non-invasive test involves lying on a CT scanner bed while images are taken. No injections are required, and the test is quick and painless.

5. Carotid And Femoral Doppler Ultrasound

This ultrasound assesses the arteries in the neck (carotid) and legs (femoral), checking for plaques and measuring the thickness of the artery walls.

Why Is It Done?

  • To evaluate the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • To detect arterial disease.


The non-invasive test involves placing an ultrasound probe on the neck or leg to visualise the arteries and measure their health.

6. CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA)

CT coronary angiography uses a X-ray CT scanner to obtain detailed images of the coronary arteries, identifying any blockages.

Why Is It Done?

  • To detect blockages in the coronary arteries.
  • To assess coronary artery disease.


The test requires an injection of a dye (contrast) and involves lying on a CT scanner bed.

7. Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI uses magnetic resonance imaging to provide detailed pictures of the heart’s structures and functions without using radiation.

Why Is It Done?

  • To assess heart function.
  • To detect previous myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).
  • To diagnose heart muscle diseases.


The test involves lying inside an MRI machine for detailed imaging, sometimes with the use of a contrast agent.

8. Invasive Coronary Angiogram

An invasive coronary angiogram is used to directly visualise the coronary arteries for blockages by inserting a catheter into the arteries and injecting contrast dye.

Why Is It Done?

  • To confirm significant blockages detected by non-invasive tests.
  • To plan treatment for coronary artery disease.


A catheter is inserted into an artery in the wrist or groyne and guided to the heart. Contrast dye is injected, and X-ray images are taken.

9. Blood Tests For Heart Health

Several blood tests can also help assess heart and vascular risk such as:

  • NT-proBNP – Indicates heart failure by measuring a protein produced by the heart.
  • High Sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) – Measures inflammation and predicts cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Troponin – Elevated levels suggest heart muscle damage or a recent heart attack.

Contact Us For Heart Screening In Singapore

Health365 has partnerships with trusted healthcare providers in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Contact us for heart screening tests in Singapore and an introduction to a doctor.

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