Guide To Liquid Biopsy Cancer Screening In Singapore

Guide To Liquid Biopsy Cancer Screening In Singapore

stomach cancer blood test, cancer screening in Singapore

Cancer screening in Singapore is a crucial part of modern healthcare, allowing for early detection and treatment of cancer. Among the various screening methods, liquid biopsies have in recent years, gained significant attention. In additional, there are also now DNA tests in the market that claims to screen for cancer risk. Both of these offer unique advantages, but they also have distinct differences. In this article, we will explore what liquid biopsies and DNA tests are, and how they factor into cancer screening.

Understanding Cancer Screening

Cancer screening aims to detect cancer before symptoms appear, improving the chances of successful treatment. For instance, South Korea has emerged as a global leader in combating colon cancer. South Korea’s colon cancer survival rate is one of the highest in the world. This can be attributed, in part, to its strong emphasis on its early detection and screening initiatives, which then allows for timely treatment and allows the country’s other strengths in quality healthcare to come into play.

Traditional methods include medical imaging (e.g. CT scans, mammograms, etc), endoscopies, traditional tissue biopsies, stool tests, PAP smears and tumour markers. However, advancements in medical technology have introduced more sophisticated techniques such as liquid biopsies and DNA tests.

Learn More: Medical Imaging >>

Learn More: Stomach And Colorectal Cancer Screening >>

Learn More: Mammogram & Breast Ultrasound >>

What Are Liquid Biopsies?

Liquid biopsies are a revolutionary approach to cancer screening. Instead of taking a tissue sample from a suspected tumour, a liquid biopsy involves analysing a blood sample taken from the patient. The blood sample is then processed in the lab to analyse for circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA). ctDNA are small fragments of DNA shed by cancer cells. The presence of ctDNA can indicate the presence of a tumour and provide genetic information about the cancer.

Liquid biopsies are valuable for diagnosing and as well as monitoring cancer, especially for cancers that are difficult to biopsy directly. They can help in tracking the progression of the disease, evaluating treatment effectiveness, and identifying potential therapeutic targets.

Liquid biopsies are not diagnostic tools and cannot replace traditional “standard of care” screening. They are typically used in addition to routine screening tests recommended by a doctor. If liquid biopsy results indicated an elevated risk of cancer, further tests will be required to confirm the diagnosis. Conversely, due to the possibility of false negatives, a negative result does not conclusively rule out cancer.

Examples of liquid biopsies currently available in Singapore include LucenceInsight from Lucence, SPOT-MAS from Gene Solutions (multi-cancer detection tests), and GASTROClear from MirXes (stomach cancer screening).

Learn More: LucenceInsight >>

Learn More: GASTROClear >>

Advantages of Liquid Biopsies For Cancer Screening In Singapore

When it comes to cancer screening in Singapore, liquid biopsies have several significant advantages.

  • Early Detection: They can detect cancer at an early stage, sometimes even before symptoms appear.
  • Non-Invasive: Liquid biopsies require a simple blood draw, making the process less invasive than traditional tissue biopsies.
  • Versatile: Liquid biopsies may be used where tissue biopsies are not possible – e.g. tumour is located in a place hard or risky to reach physically for tissue extraction.

What Are DNA Tests And Can They Be Used For Cancer Screening?

DNA tests, like the cancer and disease from CircleCNA, analyse genetic information to assess a person’s genetic risk of developing cancer. These tests focus on identifying specific genetic mutations or alterations that may increase the likelihood of cancer. DNA tests do not detect cancer and are not diagnostic tools. They screen for cancer risk, rather than screen for cancer.

Advantages of DNA Tests:

  • Understanding risk profile: DNA tests can discover a person’s risk of developing certain types of cancer based on their genetic profile.
  • Enables more personalized screening: They enable personalized screening strategies tailored to an individual’s genetic risk factors.
  • Family planning: DNA tests can inform family members about potential hereditary cancer risks, leading to proactive health measures.
  • Non-Invasive: Like liquid biopsies, DNA tests usually require a simple saliva or blood sample.

Key Differences Between Liquid Biopsies And DNA Tests

  • Liquid biopsies are primarily used for detecting existing cancer in the early stages. They can also be used for monitoring treatment (e.g Lucence LiquidHALLMARK), and tracking recurrence i.e. they can be used for cancer screening in Singapore.
  • DNA tests, on the other hand, focus on assessing a person’s genetic risk of developing cancer. The results are not necessarily tied to the current presence of cancer.

Bonus Information: What Are Tumour Marker Tests?

Readers familiar with health screening packages in Singapore would have often come across tumour marker tests for cancer screening. What are they?

Tumor marker tests are blood tests that measure the levels of certain substances (often proteins), known as tumor markers, which are produced by cancer cells or by the body in response to cancer. These tests are used to help diagnose cancer, monitor treatment effectiveness, and check for cancer recurrence. Elevated levels of tumor markers can indicate the presence of cancer, but they are not definitive on their own and other diagnostic tests are needed to confirm a cancer diagnosis.

Common tumor markers include:

  • PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen): Used to screen for and monitor prostate cancer.
  • CA-125: Used to monitor ovarian cancer.
  • CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen): Used to monitor colorectal and other cancers.
  • AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein): Used to monitor liver, ovarian, and testicular cancers.
  • HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): Used to monitor germ cell tumors.

Cost Of Cancer Screening Blood Tests In Singapore

Estimated costs for the various types of blood tests for cancer screening in Singapore:

  • LucenceInsight – $2,500 – $3,500 (depending on number of tests: 12 or 50).
  • SPOT-MAS – $800 (10 cancers – available from AsiaMedic)
  • GASTROClear – $300 – $350.
  • GASTROClear with tumour markers – $431 (custom cancer screening package available from Health365 partner AsiaMedic).

Get An Appointment For Cancer Screening In Singapore

Both liquid biopsies and DNA tests can play important roles in modern cancer screening. In Singapore, statistics show that 1 in 4 people will get cancer in their lifetimes. People with risk factors such as a family history of cancer should give serious consideration to regular health and cancer screening (consult a doctor on your specific requirements). Shop for health screening packages on our e-shop, and contact us if you would like to know the options for getting liquid biopsy cancer screening in Singapore.

Remember, early detection can save lives. Stay informed and proactive about cancer screening options available to you.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.