Health365 Co-Organised Heart Health And Cancer Detection Talk With Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild And AsiaMedic

Health365 Co-Organised Heart Health And Cancer Detection Talk With Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild And AsiaMedic

SPGG heart health and cancer detection talk

Cardiovascular disease and cancer are major diseases affecting people globally and in Singapore. Collectively, they are the top principal causes of death as reported by MOH. In addition, many cancers and cardiovascular diseases are silent in the beginning. They might already be in the more advanced stages by the time symptoms start showing. In line with Health365’s objective of educating the public on critical health issues and advocating early detection and preventive medicine, Health365 co-organised a talk on heart health and cancer detection with Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild (SPGG) and AsiaMedic. The talk was open to SPGG members.

Heart Health And Cancer Detection Talk Held At Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild, 20 Sep 2024

The heart health and cancer detection talk was held on 20 Sep 2024 evening at the Singapore Polytechnic Graduates’ Guild, Dover Road. Over twenty interested participants attended the event. This was optimally sized to encourage interaction between the audience and the speakers. The speakers for the event were:

  • Dr Yong Thon Hon, Senior Consultant, Forte Cardiology.

Dr Yong Thon Hon is a Consultant Cardiologist with sub specialised accreditation in interventional cardiology. Dr Yong manages and treats heart conditions including coronary artery disease, heart failure, heart arrythmias, and more.

Learn More: Heart & Vascular Disease In Singapore >>

  • Dr (PhD) Christopher Wong, SPOT-MAS

SPOT-MAS is a company innovating a multi-cancer blood test that can help spot cancer at an early stage.

Learn More: Cancer In Singapore >>

During the talk, Dr Yong explained to the audience about cardiovascular disease, the risk factors, and shared valuable insights into how early detection of heart disease can help reduce suffering and complications. Dr Wong explained the various screenings and diagnostic tests for cancer available in the market and the part that SPOT-MAS’ test can play in the cancer screening.

The talks by the two speakers were followed by a lively Q&A with the audience.

Event Was A Success Enjoyed By Attendees

The event was a success, with participants providing feedback that the speakers “presented well”, had “good knowledge”, and that the information provided were “easy to digest and address most areas of concerns”.

If you are interested in a health event organized at your premises, or if you are interested in co-organising a health event with Health365, drop us a message via the contact button below.


Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform - shop.health365.sg

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.