How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer: A Survivor Explains

How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer: A Survivor Explains

How I knew I had Colon Cancer

Colon & rectal cancer is a silent killer as it often has no symptoms. It is one of the most common cause of cancer deaths in Singapore. Patients may “feel fine”, and it is only when they undergo a screening do they find out that they have developed the disease. Grace, a cancer survivor, shares about “How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer” with the Singapore Cancer Society. Grace, an otherwise healthy woman in her 50s, was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer. She was in shock as there was no apparent signs of illness, and the diagnosis seemed to come out of nowhere. This is her story of how she discovered she had colon cancer and the journey that followed.

How I Knew I Had Colon Cancer

Grace came across a Facebook post from the Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) offering free Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) kits for those aged 50 and above. Intrigued and aware of her age group’s risks, she fortunately decided to request one. Easily collecting a stool samples at home, she mailed the samples for testing. When the results came back, they showed traces of blood, prompting a follow-up with Changi General Hospital (CGH). At CGH, Grace underwent a colonoscopy and a CT scan for more detailed clinical investigation.

Learn More: Colorectal Cancer Symptoms And Screening >>

The test results confirmed her fears – she had colon cancer. By then, the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. The hospital scheduled an urgent surgery for her.

Facing The Reality Of A Cancer Diagnosis

The whirlwind of events was overwhelming, and Grace felt everything was moving too fast. The fear was immense, but conversations with a colon cancer survivor and the unwavering support of her family helped her to make the critical decision not to delay treatment.

The Surgical Journey

Grace underwent robotic surgery at CGH to remove the tumor. The hospital care team provided exceptional support, teaching her exercises to strengthen her core muscles in preparation for post-operation rehabilitation. The surgery was successful, and Grace experienced minimal pain post-surgery. Within a few days, she was able to get out of bed and walk, leading to a quick discharge from the hospital.

Life After Surgery

Post-surgery, Grace resumed her work and managed her daily chores effectively. As she settled back into her routine, she planned to join a cancer support group to share her journey and provide encouragement to others facing similar battles.

Grace remains an ardent advocate for early screening. Her experience has taught her the importance of timely detection and intervention.

“Get screened early before it becomes an unmanageable problem. It is an insignificant hassle to request for the test kit and conduct the self-test at home. The peace of mind allows you to enjoy your life. Stay strong and be optimistic regardless of the challenges life throws at you.”

Grace, colon cancer survivor

Contact Us For A Colonoscopy

Grace’s story highlights the critical role of early screening in identifying cancer before it progresses too far. People without risk factors should consider regular screening from around age 45. A colonoscopy – the gold standard for colon & rectal cancer detection – may be undertaken once every 7-10 years if no adverse results were detected previously. A FIT test – available from the Singapore Cancer Society and often included in comprehensive heath screening packages, can be undertaken in the interim years.

If you are looking to make an appointment with a colorectal specialist for a colonoscopy, we can assist to get an appointment. Contact us via the button below.

Protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases with regular health screening. Compare and shop for health screenings from Singapore and regional healthcare providers at a single convenient platform -

This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.