How Long Can Cancer Remain Undetected?

How Long Can Cancer Remain Undetected?

Health Screening Singapore

In an article by Today, it was reported that individuals can have cancer without exhibiting any symptoms for months or even years. In this article, we highlight the importance of health screening in Singapore and explore the undetectable nature of cancer, drawing insights from the article by

The Silent Progression Of Cancer

In the article, Dr Melvin Look, medical director of PanAsia Surgery, states that cancer often starts at the microscopic level, remaining asymptomatic and undetectable. And as the tumour grows in size, it may still go unnoticed, unless individuals undergo health screening tests.

Eventually, the cancer may become symptomatic, causing lumps that can be painful or painless. The symptoms may result from the tumour’s size, leading to secondary effects like bleeding or organ blockage. The location of the cancer and its growth rate influence when symptoms become apparent.

Factors Affecting Early Detection

Dr Look also shares why certain cancers may remain hidden for a long time. Several factors contribute to the delayed detection of cancer. The location of the cancer within the body, its growth speed, and the uptake of screening tests play crucial roles. 

Dr Look explains that the growth of cancer may only cause pain or discomfort if it reaches the nearby nerves or causes a physical compression or obstruction to the organ. For example, in stomach cancer, the mass needs to be large before it can cause any symptoms. Cancers of the skin on the other hand, can become symptomatic early as it is located in a more visible area.

Additionally, Dr Samuel Ow, Singapore Cancer Society’s council member, emphasises that certain cancers, such as ovarian cancer, may remain hidden due to their deep-seated location. Slow-growing tumours, like those in the thyroid or prostate, can also remain asymptomatic for an extended period.

The Importance Of Health Screening In Singapore

Regular health screenings play a pivotal role in identifying cancer in its early stages. Early detection also means timely treatment and more successful outcomes. 

In Singapore, despite the advances in medicine, late diagnosis continues to be prevalent. The data Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report 2021 attest to this as a majority of lung, stomach, and pancreatic cancers were diagnosed in later stages between 2018 and 2021.

It is also mentioned in the article that one of the common misconceptions hindering early detection in Singapore is the belief that cancer only affects older individuals. Dr Look highlights that younger people may delay seeking medical attention due to this misconception, leading to a higher incidence of cancer in this age group. 

Advocating For Early Action

To combat delayed diagnoses, health experts emphasise the need for regular screenings, especially for common cancers like colorectal, cervical, and breast cancer. Screening aims to shift the diagnosis from later to earlier stages, reducing treatment complications and improving overall quality of life. Individuals are also urged not to ignore persistent or unexplained symptoms and seek medical assessment promptly.

Key Takeaway

The importance of health screening in Singapore cannot be overstated, considering the rising incidence of cancer, even among younger individuals. Understanding the silent progression of cancer and addressing common misconceptions and fears are crucial steps toward early detection and effective treatment. 

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