How Much Does Cervical Cancer Screening Cost In Singapore?

How Much Does Cervical Cancer Screening Cost In Singapore?

how much does cervical cancer screening cost​

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancer. With timely screening and vaccination, individuals can significantly reduce their risk. Early detection of abnormal or pre-cancerous cells allows for effective treatment, often preventing the development of cervical cancer entirely. If you are wondering how much does cervical cancer screening cost in Singapore, this article will discuss the screening methods and their associated costs.

Learn more: Women’s Cancers >>

Screening Methods For Cervical Cancer

There are several methods available for cervical cancer screening, each serving a specific purpose. Understanding these methods and their associated costs can help you make informed decisions about your health.

Pap Smear Test

A Pap smear test is one of the most common and effective ways to detect precancerous cells on the cervix. It involves collecting a sample of cells from the cervix and examining them for abnormalities.

  • Cost: In Singapore, a Pap smear test typically starts from S$25. At polyclinics, Singaporeans can access this test at a subsidised rate of S$15.
  • Health Screening Package with Pap Smear Test: A Pap smear can often be included as part of a women’s health screening package, which may offer added convenience and value.

Below are some health screening packages in Malaysia that include Pap smear tests you may consider:

Prince Court Medical Centre Female 40
Prince Court Medical Centre Female 50
KPJ Women
Subang Jaya Female Diamond

Explore more health screening packages in our e-shop.

Learn more about health screening packages in our guide.

HPV Test

The HPV test detects the presence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) strains that are known to cause cervical cancer. This test is often recommended for women over the age of 30 or in conjunction with a Pap smear.

  • Cost: The cost of an HPV test generally starts from S$50. Polyclinics in Singapore offer this test at a subsidised rate of S$22.50 for Singaporeans.

If you are looking for STD testing in a private setting, you may contact us  for an introduction to a trusted specialist in Singapore.


A colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure used to closely examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease. It is usually recommended following abnormal Pap smear or HPV test results.

  • Cost: The price for a colposcopy in Singapore ranges between S$300 and S$500. If a biopsy is included, the cost can go up to S$981 in public hospitals.


A biopsy involves the removal of a small tissue sample from the cervix for further analysis. This is typically performed during a colposcopy if abnormalities are observed.

  • Cost: The biopsy is often included in the cost of a colposcopy. However, additional fees may apply depending on the type of medical facility and the complexity of the procedure.

Accordion to the MOH’s bills and fee benchmarks:

Day Surgery Costs (Cervix, Various Lesions, Colposcopy And Biopsy)

  • Public Hospitals (Subsidised): Typical bills range from $216 to $386, with a median cost of $326.
  • Public Hospitals (Unsubsidised): Typical bills range from $790 to $1,119, with a median cost of $1,054.
  • Private Hospitals: Costs range from $1,508 to $2,122, with a median cost of $1,779.HPV Vaccine

The HPV vaccine plays a critical role in preventing cervical cancer. If administered before any sexual exposure, it can prevent up to 70% of cervical cancer cases. The vaccine is most effective when given to individuals before they become sexually active.

Contact Us For An Appointment With A Specialist

If you are concerned about your cervical health and wish to consult a specialist, we can help with an appointment. Contact us via the button below.

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