How To Protect Yourself During Haze Period In Singapore

How To Protect Yourself During Haze Period In Singapore

Haze Singapore

Haze period usually occurs during the southwest monsoon season, between June to October in Singapore. At these times, it is important to take proactive measures to protect yourself from the health hazards brought by this environmental challenge. 

Ways To Protect Yourself During Haze Period In Singapore:

1. Monitor The Air Quality

Keep track of the air quality by regularly checking the National Environment Agency’s (NEA) website or mobile app. The NEA provides Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) readings and air quality forecasts in Singapore. You may use the information provided to plan your schedule accordingly, especially when the PSI reaches unhealthy levels.

2. Stay Indoors And Reduce Physical Activity

It is essential to minimise outdoor exposure and physical activity during the haze period in Singapore, especially for individuals at risk such as children, elderly, and people with chronic lung disease or heart disease. When staying indoors, keep the windows and doors closed to prevent the entry of haze particles at home. You may also use an air conditioner for air circulation.

3. Invest In A Good Air Purifier

Air purifiers particularly those with HEPA filters may help trap very small particles effectively. You may consider iRobot aair Lite Small Room Air Purifier, equipped with HEPA H13 filter that traps particles down to 0.1 microns.  It is tested by an independent lab to capture and remove airborne viruses, pollen, pet dander, smoke, smog, mold, bacteria and more with a filter efficiency of 99.95%.

4. Use Mask When Going Outdoors

According to the Ministry of Health, a healthy individual may wear a mask outdoors such as N95, KN95, or an EN-149 and NIOSH-approved mask to reduce exposure when the forecasted air quality is in the Hazardous range (PSI >300). It is to note that staying indoors should still be the first line of action. 

5. Keep Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated may help your body cope with the effects of air pollution. Hydration may also help alleviate symptoms such as dry and itchy throat caused by the haze.

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