All You Need To Know About HPV Testing In Singapore

All You Need To Know About HPV Testing In Singapore

Causes of cervical cancer in Singapore

What Is HPV 

HPV stand for Human Papilloma Virus, and is an infection caused by a DNA virus. There are over 200 types of this virus, and a person can become infected with more than one at a time. HPV is spread through sexual contact with someone who has the virus, even if they don’t show symptoms. In Singapore, the rate of HPV related infections is about 9%. Around 3% of women is Singapore are estimated to have HPV infection. HPV can also spread from a mother to child during pregnancy.

What Are The Symptoms Of HPV?

High risk HPV doesn’t cause symptoms, so the infection can be detected through a PAP smear test or direct HPV test. Most people do not realise they have HPV as they do not face any complications. However, in some cases lumps or warts can form around genitalia area. Genital warts can cause irritation and discomfort, and should be an incentive to schedule a visit to a doctor or get a test done. For women some of the symptoms may also include pelvic pain and abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding. 70% of cases of cervical cancer are associated with HPV. A PAP smear test can also help you detect cancerous cells early.

HPV Vaccination In Singapore 

In Singapore, the HPV vaccination is optional, however highly recommended to prevent risks of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancers affecting women im Singapore. There are governmental subsidies available for eligible Singaporeans in local clinics. Singaporeans can also use up to $500 per MediSave account per year under the MediSave scheme to pay for HPV vaccination.

HPV Treatment And Testing

There is currently no treatment for HPV infections, however, genital warts and cervical cancer can be treated. It is important to take regular care of your health, and schedule a testing appointment if you are alarmed by any of showing conditions. An HPV test is usually done at the same time as a PAP smear test. A PAP smear test can help detect any abnormalities or the presence of cancer. 

HPV Home Testing Kits 

Home testing kits for HPV are available in Singapore. Home testing is becoming very popular among women in Singapore. Women who are looking for cervical cancer screening primarily choose home self-testing kits due to the convenience, comfort and privacy they offer. 

Cost Of Testing In Singapore 

Polyclinics in Singapore offer affordable rates for Singaporeans, at $15 for a PAP smear and $22.50 for an HPV test. Cost varies for HPV home testing kits depending on the provider. Ferne Health is one of the pioneers to offer online purchase for home test kits, cost of which is $200. Verisana HPV home kits are available to order online for $139. Raffles Medical Group also offers HPV self-sampling kits for the cost of $147.66. 

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.