Meet Dr Elendrus Teo, Aesthetic Doctor In Singapore

Dr Elendrus Teo is an aesthetic doctor with expertise in clinical as well as surgical medicine. He is currently serving patients at Astique the Aesthetic Clinic at Orchard Building in Singapore. Dr Teo’s passion for aesthetic medicine sprouted from his years of dedicated service in Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) departments at public hospitals, where he actively contributed to the facial plastics team. This paved the way for a natural progression into aesthetic medicine. Dr Teo has expertise in facial fillers, Pigment Lasers, Lasers for skin resurfacing, Fractional Lasers, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment, Lasers, and IPL for hair removal, Chemical Peels, and Devices for Skin Tightening and Body Contouring.

What is Dr Teo’s patient care philosophy, and how does he enable his patients to make the best aesthetic treatment decision? Learn more about Dr Teo at our Preferred Doctor Page here!

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