
Men's Health

Keeping track and taking care of men’s health should be a routine procedure at different stages of your life. Learn more about how to maintain a healthy condition with our collection of informative articles and resources.

Aesthetic And Men’s Health Doctor – Dr Kenneth Lee

Shockwave Therapy In Singapore For Erectile Dysfunction

Affordable Men’s Health Screening In Singapore

Book your comprehensive screening now and stay one step ahead of colorectal cancer:

Dr Plus Standard STD screening package

Need more options? Explore additional health screening packages on this page.

See A Doctor

If you are looking for a doctor in Singapore for colorectal cancer screening or treatment, here are some to consider:

Dr Kenneth Lee - Aesthetic and Men's Health Doctor In Singapore


Dr Kenneth Lee | Partner Doctor

Dr Plus Aesthetics Clinic


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Dr Fiona Wu – Aare Urology

Dr Ronny Tan – Advanced Urology

Dr Sankeerth Reddy – Zest Clinic

Dr Michael Wong – International Urology, Fertility and Gynaecology Centre

Clin Asst Prof Teo Jin Kiat – Changi General Hospital

A/Prof Edmund Chiong – National University Hospital

Dr Ng Tze Kiat – Singapore General Hospital

STI Screening / Testing

Dr Nicole Chan – Artisan Health Clinic

Dr Tan Kok Kuan Dr. Tan Medical Center

Dr Reginald Tang – Cross Street Medical Clinic

DTAP Express Clinic

Kensington Family Clinic

Shim Clinic

Dr Lee Pei Hua – National Centre for Infectious Diseases

DSC Clinic (public clinic)


STI screenings and erectile dysfunction treatments are not claimable under Medisave.

Check with CPF on the latest MediSave policies.

Financial Planning For Cost Of Medical Treatment In Singapore

The cost of medical treatment in Singapore is a significant concern for many individuals and families. Proper financial planning is.

MediSave And Medishield Life Coverage For Overseas Singaporeans

Know more about MediSave, MediShield Life and Integrated Shield Plans coverage for overseas medical expenses.

Resources On Men's Health

Testicular Cancer Screening In Singapore

In this article we discuss essential information about testicular cancer, including testicular cancer screening in Singapore.

Erectile Dysfunction In Singapore: Symptoms, Causes, And Diagnosis

In this article, we will help you understand erectile dysfunction in Singapore - what it is, its symptoms, causes, and more.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Singapore

In this article, we will discuss erectile dysfunction treatment in Singapore, exploring various options to address this condition.

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms That May Indicate You Have This Killer Disease

Colorectal cancer is a silent killer that may no present any symptoms at first. Nonetheless, it is important to know what its symptoms are.

Top 5 Sexually Transmitted Infections In Singapore: Symptoms and Screening

STIs may cause serious health problems, including cancer. Find out what are the top 5 sexually transmitted infections in Singapore.

Foods That Cause Erectile Dysfunction

The article highlights drinks and foods that cause erectile dysfunction. Find out how your diet may be affecting your sexual performance.


Is there a difference between erectile dysfunction and impotence?

The 2 terms technically refer to the same thing and can be used interchangeably. The word “impotence” may carry a negative connotation to some people however, whereas “erectile dysfunction” has a more neutral connotation.

Must I see a doctor for erectile dysfunction?

Most men would experience some degree of erectile dysfunction at some time in their life. Often, these may be  due to temporary circumstances such as work stress or fatigue. If the condition persists, you should consider consulting a doctor.

Is erectile dysfunction a symptom of a serious health condition?

Persistent erectile dysfunction may be caused by poor cardiovascular health which resulted in blockages of arteries supplying blood to the penis. Consult a doctor if the condition persists. Consider also going for regular health screenings to monitor your overall health.

Can a person get an STI without sex?

It is rare, but possible to contract an STI without sexual contact. Some STI scan be transmitted via contaminated food, contaminated fabric such as shared towels, beddings and clothing, and contaminated surfaces, such as shared toothbrushes, razors, or unwashed sex toys.

Should I get screened or tested for STIs?

Even without symptoms, you should consider STI screening if you are sexually active, especially if you have had vaginal, anal or oral sex with a new partner. Pregnant women should  also undergo testing.


Additional Resources


  1. STD/STI | Cross Street Medical Clinic. Available from: https://www.crossstreetmedical.com.sg/stdsti/
  2. Understanding the Impacts of Sexually Transmitted Infections | Life Sciences Intelligence. Available from: https://lifesciencesintelligence.com/features/understanding-the-impacts-of-sexually-transmitted-infections
  3. STIs and Cancer | American Sexual Health Association. Available from: https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/stis-and-cancer
  4. Sexually-Transmitted Infections | National Centre For Infectious Diseases. Available from: https://www.ncid.sg/Health-Professionals/Diseases-and-Conditions/Pages/Sexually-Transmitted-Infections.aspx
  5. Getting Support (for STIs) |  HealthHub. Available from: https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/gettingsupportstis
  6. Treatment Options For Erectile Dysfunction | Dr Plus Aesthetics Clinic. Available from: https://drplusaestheticsclinic.com/blog/treatment-options-for-erectile-dysfunction/
  7. Erectile Dysfunction | Singapore Urological Association. Available from: https://sua.sg/erectile-dysfunction/
  8. Impotence (Erectile dysfunction) | Singapore General Hospital. Available from: https://www.sgh.com.sg/patient-care/conditions-treatments/Impotence
  9. Erectile Dysfunction in Cardiovascular Disease | Singapore General Hospital. Available from:  https://www.sgh.com.sg/patient-care/conditions-treatments/erectile-dysfunction-in-cardiovascular-disease 
  10. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (erectile dysfunction) | SingHealth. Available from: https://www.singhealth.com.sg/patient-care/conditions-treatments/ESWT-Erectile-Dysfunction

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