Colonoscopy screening is a crucial procedure for detecting colon & rectal cancer and other gastrointestinal issues. Proper preparation is essential to ensure a successful and accurate examination. Here are our top five tips for preparation for colonoscopy screening.
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1. Follow A Clear Liquid Diet
A few days before your colonoscopy, your doctor will likely recommend a clear liquid diet. This diet helps cleanse your colon, making it easier for the doctor to get a clear view during the procedure. Clear liquids include water, broth, herbal tea, clear fruit juices (without pulp), and sports drinks. Avoid any red or purple liquids, as they can be mistaken for blood during the exam.
2. Use The Prescribed Bowel Preparation Medication
The entire spirit of doing the colonoscopy prep is to ensure that your colon is empty so your medical team can detect and remove polyps . This is why using the prescribed bowel preparation medication is critical. Your doctor will prescribe a bowel prep solution or laxatives to clear your intestines. Follow the instructions carefully for an effective cleanout.
Bowel prep can be challenging due to the discomfort from drinking the prep solution and frequent trips to the bathroom. To make it more tolerable:
- Mixing the solution with clear liquid drinks: You can mix the solution with a small amount of your favourite clear liquid drink to make it more palatable, such as apple juice, carbonated clear drink, or clear energy drink.
- Cool the Solution: Keeping the prep solution cold can also make it more palatable.
- Drink Through a Straw: This can help reduce the unpleasant taste.
- Lemon or Lime Wedges: Biting into a wedge after drinking the solution can help mask the taste.
- Chewing Gum: This can also help with the taste.
- Split Dosing: Often, the bowel prep is split into two doses – half the day before and the other half the day of the procedure, which improves the cleanout and makes it more manageable.
3. Adjust Your Medications
If you are taking any medications, especially blood thinners, diabetes medications, or supplements, inform your doctor before the procedure. Your doctor may advise you to stop or adjust certain medications temporarily to reduce the risk of complications during the colonoscopy. Never stop taking prescribed medications without consulting your healthcare provider first. You may be advised also to stop iron supplements a few days prior to the procedure.
4. Plan For Transportation And Rest
Since you will be sedated during the colonoscopy, you will not be able to drive or operate heavy machinery afterward. Arrange for a family member or friend to drive you to and from the appointment. Additionally, plan to take the rest of the day off to allow your body to recover from the sedation and the procedure. It’s essential to rest and avoid any strenuous activities for the remainder of the day.
5. Communicate With Your Doctor
Clear communication with your healthcare provider is vital throughout the preparation process. Ask any questions you may have and make sure you understand all the instructions given. Review your prep guidelines one to two weeks before your procedure for any special instructions. You may be encouraged to make small changes in your diet starting a week before the procedure. Inform your doctor of any allergies, previous reactions to medications, or any other medical conditions that may affect the procedure. Having an open dialogue with your doctor will help ensure a smooth and safe colonoscopy experience.
Successful Preparation For Colonoscopy Screening
By following these tips, you can help make the preparation for colonoscopy screening less onerous and more effective – increasing the chances of a successful and accurate procedure. Proper preparation is the key to early detection and prevention of colorectal issues, ultimately contributing to better overall health.
Contact Us For A Colonoscopy Screening
If you are planning to have a colonoscopy done, we can help get an appointment with a doctor for it. Contact us via the button below.
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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.