What Is Robotic Surgery And Why It May Be Your Best Option

What Is Robotic Surgery And Why It May Be Your Best Option

robotic surgery da vinci


Surgery is often a mainstay of treatment for many medical conditions, including cancer. This article explores why robotic surgery may be your best surgical option.

Types Of Surgery

Surgeries can broadly be considered as being “open”, or “minimally invasive”:

  • Open Surgery – this is the traditional form of surgery whereby the surgeon makes a long incision, which is then widened to provide access to the inside of the body.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery:
    • Laparoscopic Surgery – The surgeon operates using rigid, straight, and manually operated instruments that are inserted into the body through small incisions. The doctor views images inside the body at the operation site using a standard monitor. This type of surgery requires assistants to help hold multiple instruments.
    • Robotic Surgery – The surgeon performs surgery with the assistance of robotic arms that he controls from a console.

What Is Robotic Surgery?

Robotic surgery is an alternative approach to conventional ways to performing surgery.

During robotic surgery, the surgeon operates with the assistance of a surgical robot. The surgeon sits at a surgeon console, and controls a patient cart which consists of multiple arms that are equipped with instruments and camera. Instruments can be articulated to allow easy manipulation and better access to target anatomy.

Watch: Robotic-Assisted Surgery | What to Expect

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Robotic surgery has many applications, including:

  • Cancer surgery – colorectal, stomach, thyroid, prostate
  • Bowel resection
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Liver resection, pancreatectomy (removal or all or part of the pancreas), and cholecystectomy
  • Hysterectomy and fibroid removal

How Many Different Systems Are There?

There are a number of competing brands of surgery robots, with Intuition’s da Vinci system being a market leader. In Singapore, the da Vinci system is highly penetrated and is available in 10 hospitals (as of 12 Dec 24). Robotic surgery is becoming popular also in neighbouring Malaysia and Thailand.

Top 10 surgery robot companies in the world include:

CompanyRobotic system(s)
Intuitive Surgicalda Vinci 5, da Vinci Xi, da Vinci X, da Vinci SP, Ion
Asensus SurgicalSenhance, Luna
CMR SurgicalVersius
MedtronicHugo, Mazor
Johnson & JohnsonMonarch, Velys, Ottava
Moon SurgicalMaestro
StereotaxisGenesis RMN, Vdrive, Niobe
Noah MedicalGalaxy
Source: Massdevice.com 10 surgical robotics companies you need to know

What Are The Advantages?

Generally, surgeries that can be performed via robotic assistance can also be done using traditional approaches. However, there are many potential benefits to robotic surgery compared to traditional surgical techniques. For instance, major benefits offered by using da Vinci include:

For SurgeonsFor Patients
– Greater surgical precision
– Increased range of motion
– Improved dexterity
– Better visualization
– Improved access to target anatomy
– Better surgeon ergonomics and reduced fatigue
– Surgeon autonomy to control all instruments and camera
– Lower risk of major complications
– Decreased risk of infections
– Reduced blood loss
– Significantly less postoperative pain
– Smaller and fewer scars
– Quick recovery
– Shorter hospital stay
* Important note: These advantages cannot be guaranteed. Results depend on both the patient and the specific procedure.

Watch: How does the da Vinci robotic system work?

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Special Training Required To Perform Robotic Surgery

In order to be qualified to perform robotic surgery, surgeons are go through extensive training preparation including:

  • Test drive on the robotic system
  • Case observations of other robotic surgeons
  • Online and in-service training
  • Technology skills practice on simulators
  • Technology training performed in a lab e.g. on porcine models
  • Performing robotic surgery while being proctored by mentors

What Makes The Da Vinci Robotic Surgery System A Market Leader?

The da Vinci system is a pioneer of robotic surgery with more than 20 years of experience. It is the market leader today, with over 16 million procedures performed worldwide using it.

Continuous innovation is a key to da Vinci’s dominance in the market. Its technology has evolved greatly over the years with improved features such as network connectivity, enhanced vision, and improved instrumentation with advanced technology. The latest generation of da Vinci incorporates digital data analytic capabilities, allowing surgeons to make better decisions during procedures.

Our Preferred Doctors

We have partner doctors able to perform robotic surgery. Learn more about them below.

Dr Lee Kuok Chung


Dr Lee Kuok Chung

Preferred Doctor

Crest Surgical Practice

Dr Kim Guowei


Dr Kim Guowei

Preferred Doctor

Crest Surgical Practice

Dr Tan Wee Boon - General Surgeon In Singapore

GENERAL SURGEON (Thyroid, Hernia, Endocrine)

Dr Tan Wee Boon

Preferred Doctor

Crest Surgical Practice

Contact Us For A Consultation With A Surgeon For Robotic Surgery

If you are looking for a surgeon who is able to perform robotic surgery, we can help. Contact us via the button below.


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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.