Top 5 Sexually Transmitted Infections In Singapore: Symptoms and Screening

Top 5 Sexually Transmitted Infections In Singapore: Symptoms and Screening

Couple having appointment with STD specialist in clinic, closeup

Learn more about sexually transmitted infections in Singapore in this article.

What Are Sexually Transmitted Infections?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may be caused by a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. They are spread from one person to another mainly through sexual contact.

According to the Ministry of Health’s Communicable Diseases Surveillance In Singapore 2019-2020 report, STIs are indicators of unprotected sexual activity, and patients who have one STI are more likely to have another STI.

More worryingly, STIs can increase the risk of patients contracting and transmitting HIV infection. Pathogens responsible for STIs may also cause reproductive system conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility and ectopic pregnancy. HPV infection may also cause cervical cancer.

Top 5 Sexually Transmitted Infections In Singapore

For the year 2020, the 5 most common STIs in Singapore were:

Sexually Transmitted InfectionsIncidence Rate Per 100,000 Population
Genital warts15.3
Genital herpes6.9

Who Is Most At Risk Of Carrying An STI?

People at risk of carrying STIs are those who are sexually active, those who may have been exposed to an STI, and those who have symptoms of STIs.

An ethnic-sex breakdown of the incidence rate of STIs in Singapore (2020) show that across all ethnic groups, men have higher rates of infection per 100,000 population than females. Residents belonging to the “Others” ethnic group have the highest rate of infections, followed by Chinese.


Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Different STIs may have different symptoms. Often in the early stages, patients might also show no symptoms at all. This can lead to situations whereby the infections remain untreated until more serious complications occur or when a partner is diagnosed. Possible STI symptoms include:

  • Sores on the genitals, mouth or rectal area.
  • Pain when urinating
  • Penis discharge or unusual / odorous vagina discharge.
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Sore, swollen lymph nodes (in the groin or more widespread).
  • Pain in lower abdomen.
  • Rash on the body, hands or feet.

Get Screened And Treated For Sexually Transmitted Infections

If you are at risk for sexually transmitted infections, or suspect that you have have an infection, you should consult a doctor for screening and treatment in necessary. To test and diagnosis for an STI, the doctor may perform a physical examination for signs of infection. In addition, lab tests can uncover sexually transmitted infections which are without symptoms. These include

  • Blood tests.
  • Urine samples.
  • Fluid samples (from sores).

Protect your health, and that of your partners. Contact us for an appointment with our Preferred Doctor for men’s health issues:

Dr Plus Basic STD screening package
Dr Plus Standard STD screening package
Dr Plus Comprehensive STD screening package for men
Dr Plus Comprehensive STD screening package for women

Learn More About Sexually Transmitted Infections

Learn more about Sexual Health in Singapore here.




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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.