Shingles Vaccine Singapore - Get Protected Against This Painful Condition

Shingles is a painful rash that develops on one side of the body. This viral infection is caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster). After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus remains in the nervous system in a dormant state. It can reactivate as shingles even decades later. In Singapore, there are about 30,000 new cases of each year. Shingles vaccine can help protect you against this painful condition.

What Is Shingles And Who Is At Risk?

Guide To Shingles Vaccine – Singapore Price And Where To Get It

Shingrix – Shingles Vaccine In Singapore

Is Shingles Contagious? What You Need to Know

What Happens When Shingles Strike?

  • Shingles begins with pain, burning, or tingling in a specific area on one side of the body. 
  • A red rash with fluid-filled blisters then appears in the same area. These may take up to 4 weeks to clear up.
  • The pain associated with shingles can be severe and debilitating.
  • Shingles may lead to persistent nerve pain that continues for months or even years.
  • Older adults and those with weakened immune systems are at greater risk for complications including vision loss, hearing problems, pneumonia, and brain inflammation.

Who Is At Risk For Shingles?

About 1 in 3 people will get shingles. If you had chickenpox before, you are at risk. Other common risk factors include:

  • Age: Particularly if you are over 50 year old.
  • Stress: May trigger shingles.
  • Weakened immune system.

Shingles Vaccine Singapore - Get Protected

AsiaMedic – premier healthcare provider in Singapore and our preferred partner-  offers a Shingles vaccination package at S$688. Contact us for a vaccination appointment.

“Shingles can cause distress and long-term pain, and anyone who has a history of chickenpox is at risk. However, the risk can be substantially reduced via vaccination. We welcome our customers to get their shots and also their annual health check at AsiaMedic.”

AsiaMedic Shingrix shingles vaccination package



1. Why is the shingles vaccine recommended, and who should get it?

The shingles vaccine is essential because it significantly reduces the risk of developing shingles and its complications, like long-term nerve pain known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Adults aged 50 and older should consider the vaccine, even if they’ve had shingles before or aren’t sure if they had chickenpox. As we age, our immune system weakens, making vaccination a vital step in protecting our health.


2. What types of shingles vaccines are available, and how effective are they?

There are two vaccines:

  • Shingrix: A newer, non-live vaccine that’s over 90% effective at preventing shingles and PHN. It’s administered in two doses, 2 to 6 months apart.
  • Zostavax: An older, live vaccine given as a single dose. It’s less effective than Shingrix and is used less frequently today.

Shingrix is the preferred option because of its higher efficacy and longer-lasting protection.


3. Are there side effects from the shingles vaccine, and what should I expect?

Most people experience mild to moderate side effects that last a few days, such as:

  • Redness, swelling, or pain at the injection site
  • Muscle pain and fatigue
  • Headache
  • Fever and chills
  • Stomach issues, like nausea

These side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort if needed.


4. Can I get the shingles vaccine if I’ve already had shingles or the chickenpox vaccine?

Yes, you should still get vaccinated:

  • If you’ve had shingles: The vaccine can help prevent future episodes. Shingles can recur, and vaccination boosts your immune defense.
  • If you’ve had the chickenpox vaccine: The virus can still linger in your body. The shingles vaccine provides additional protection against reactivation.

5. How long does protection from the shingles vaccine last, and do I need booster shots?

Shingrix provides strong protection for at least seven years, possibly longer. Current research indicates that the vaccine’s effectiveness remains high over time. As of now, there’s no recommendation for booster shots beyond the initial two doses, but ongoing studies continue to monitor the duration of immunity.