Health365 Guide To Stroke Screening & Its Costs In Singapore

Health365 Guide To Stroke Screening & Its Costs In Singapore

Stroke screening in Singapore

Stroke is one of the top killer health conditions in Singapore. Stroke screening is carried out for people who are at high risk for stroke, but who are not yet showing any symptoms.

Who Should Get Screened For Stroke

People who have risk factors for stroke should consider screening for the condition. Stroke risk factors include non-controllable as well as controllable ones.

Non-Controllable Risk Factors For Stroke

  • Age – The risk of having a stroke rises as we age. It roughly doubles every 10 years from age 55.
  • Gender – Men have a higher risk of stroke than women. However, the risk for women increases after menopause.
  • Hereditary Factors – Some people have a higher genetic predisposition to stroke.
  • Irregular Heartbeat – Irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) causes the heart not to pump and empty the blood smoothly or completely, increasing the risk of clots forming in the heart and subsequently travelling to the brain.
  • History of heart attack, stroke, or Transient Ischaemic Attack – people with such history have an increased risk of stroke.

Controllable Risk Factors For Stroke

  • High Blood Pressure – High blood pressure, or hypertension, can increase the risk of stroke by four times.
  • High Cholesterol – High cholesterol level increases risk of heart disease, which in turns contributes to stroke risk.
  • Diabetes – The risk of stroke is higher for patients with diabetes.
  • Smoking – Heavy smokers may be up to 6 times more likely to suffer a stroke.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle – Sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, obesity and excessive alcohol consumption may increase the likelihood of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease.

Stroke Screening In Singapore

For patients who are showing no or few symptoms of stroke, screening for stroke can involve the following:

Medical History-Taking And Examination By A Doctor

The doctor will ask about your medical history, and check for your blood pressure, alertness, vision, coordination & reflexes, and your muscle strength.

Blood Tests

Samples of your blood will be taken to check the blood glucose level, cholesterol level, to identify blood clotting factors, and detect any infections.

Medical Imaging

The doctor may also order scans of your brain and blood vessels:

  • Brain CT Scan – A brain CT scan can help the doctor to detect any bleeding, an ischaemic stroke, a tumour or other medical conditions.
  • Brain MRI – A brain MRI uses magnetic and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain to enable the doctor to detect any damaged brain tissues.
  • Cerebral Angiogram – A cerebral angiogram is a procedure that uses a special dye and x-rays to evaluate blood vessel issues in the brain. It allows the doctor to detect any narrowing or abnormality affecting the carotid artery, which is a main artery leading to the brain.
  • Carotid Ultrasound – This ultrasound procedure is used to detect fatty deposits in carotid arteries in the neck. These arteries supply blood to the brain and face.
  • Echocardiogram – This procedure uses sound waves to create images of the heart. It helps to find blood clots that may have dislodged and travelled to the brain.

Learn more about Medical Imaging here.

Cost Of Medical Imaging For Stroke Screening In Singapore

The cost of medical imaging for stroke screening in Singapore will vary depending on the hospital / healthcare facility it is carried out at. The following is a guide for the estimated imaging costs for the various imaging types, for the purpose of stroke screening. You should check with your chosen clinic for the actual pricing for your own circumstances.

  • Brain CT Scan – From S$500
  • Brain MRI – From S$900.
  • Cerebral Angiogram – From $1,400.
  • Carotid Ultrasound – From S$250.
  • Echocardiogram – From S$400.

Get Screened For Stroke

Comprehensive Health Screening is a good place to start for stroke screening, since a number of common health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are risk factors. If you have additional risk factors, you may also consult your doctor on additional imaging scans to detect conditions that may lead to stroke.

Health365 has various healthcare partners in Singapore including AsiaMedic and Advanced Medicine Imaging where you can get medical imaging services for stroke screening.

Contract us for an appointment with our healthcare partners.


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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.