Top 5 Facts About Stroke In Singapore You Need To Know

Top 5 Facts About Stroke In Singapore You Need To Know

5 Facts about stroke in Singapore

Stroke in Singapore is more common than you might think. Here are our top 5 facts about strokes in Singapore that you should know.

Fact 1: Stroke In Singapore Is A Common Condition

9,680 stroke cases were diagnosed in 2021 (Singapore Stroke Registry, 2021), affecting 283.9 people out of every 100,000. These are substantial increases over the numbers for 2011, which was 6,143 cases, or 194.9 out of every 100,000 population.

Fact 2: Stroke Can Happen To Younger People Too

The risk of stroke does increase with age. However, stroke can occur to anyone regardless of age, including even infants. Risk factors for stroke include underlying health conditions, a family history of stroke, and other factors such lifestyle habits (smoking, stress etc). According to the Singapore Stroke Registry, in 2021, 8% of strokes in Singapore happened to patients under the age of 50. Patients aged 50-59 accounted for a further 15.3% of stroke cases.

Fact 3:  Stroke Occurs In The Brain, Not In The Heart

Stroke occurs when (i) there is an interruption of the blood flow to the brain due to a blood clot, or (ii) when there is an artery rupture resulting in internal bleeding into the brain.

When these occur, oxygen is prevented from reaching the brain cells. Brain cells will start to die within a minute of oxygen deprivation. Irreversible damage will occur within 3 minutes of oxygen deprivation. Heart issues however, may be a contributing factor to stroke e.g. a blood clot in the brain may be caused by an irregular heartbeat.

Fact 4: We Can Take Steps To Lower Our Risk Of Stroke

Stroke risk factors include both controllable as well as uncontrollable ones. We can take steps to lower our risk of stroke by address the controllable ones. These steps include leading a healthier lifestyle to reduce body weight, blood pressure, blood sugar level and cholesterol.  Also, if you have close relatives who have suffered brain aneurysms, you can consider consulting a neurologist and undergo a screening for early prevention.

 Fact 5: You Should See A Doctor Even If Stroke Symptoms Go Away

Transient ischemic attacks, also known as “mini strokes”, may present temporary symptoms of stroke that fade away after some time. These are in fact warning signs that a full-blown stroke may be happening, and you should consult a doctor without undue delay. Symptoms of mini strokes may include:

  • Weakness, numbness or paralysis in the face, arm or leg (usually on one side of the body).
  • Slurred speech
  • Trouble understanding others.
  • Impaired double vision.
  • Dizziness, loss of balance / coordination.


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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.