Can Ultrasound Detect Stomach Cancer? Stomach Cancer Screening & Diagnosis in Singapore

Can Ultrasound Detect Stomach Cancer? Stomach Cancer Screening & Diagnosis in Singapore

Can ultrasound detect stomach cancer


Stomach cancer is an adenocarcinoma of the stomach. It happens when cells in the stomach grow and divide in an abnormal manner, developing into a tumour that may then spread to other organs (e.g lungs, liver). Stomach cancer often have no symptoms in the early stages, leading to late diagnosis in many cases. However, early detection is important for getting the best treatment outcomes for the patient. A commonly asked question is thus “can ultrasound detect stomach cancer”? In this article, we answer why ultrasound is in fact not used for stomach cancer detection, and reveal what is considered the current “gold standard” for detecting stomach cancer.

Key Statistics On Stomach Cancer In Singapore

In Singapore, stomach cancer:

  • Is the 8th and 10th most common cancer in Singapore for men and women respectively for the period 2017-2021 (Singapore Cancer Registry 2021 Annual Report)
  • Affects men more than women.
  • Is more uncommon in people under 50 years of age.
  • Has the 6th highest mortality rate among cancers for males, accounting for 5.4% (869 deaths) of cancer deaths in males between 2017-2021.
  • Has the 7th highest mortality rate for cancer deaths in women, accounting for 4.7% (624 deaths) of cancer deaths.
  • Patients are mostly diagnosed only at Stage III or IV.
  • Stage I stomach cancer has a 5-year survival rate exceeding 70%, whereas Stage IV metastatic cancer is typically uncurable.
  • Is responsible for about 300 deaths every year.

Early Detection Of Stomach Cancer Is Crucial For Better Treatment Outcomes

Stomach cancer that is detected early is more treatable. However, due to the symptomatic nature of early-stage stomach cancer, in many cases it is diagnosed only at a late or advanced stage. It is thus crucial that people go for regular screenings for stomach cancer, especially those with stomach cancer risk factors.

What Is The Gold Standard For Detecting Stomach Cancer?

The “gold standard” for stomach cancer detection is a gastroscopy, which is a procedure whereby a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached at one end is inserted into the stomach via the mouth. This allows the doctor to see the inside of the stomach and even remove tissues for biopsy if necessary.

Learn More: Stomach and Colorectal Cancer Screening >>

Can Ultrasound Detect Stomach Cancer?

Ultrasound is not used for stomach cancer detection.

An ultrasound is an imaging technology that uses high intensity sound waves to create pictures of the inside of the body. However, it faces significant limitations for stomach cancer and would often fail to detect it. The limitations of ultrasound for cancer detection includes:

  • Ultrasound images lack clarity and resolution and cannot match those from other medical imaging tests like CT or MRI scans.
  • Transabdominal (“traditional”) ultrasounds do not work well with patients who are obese.
  • Intestinal gas can interfere with the proper imaging of the gastric wall.
  • Unreliable in picking up the presence of mucousal lesions in the stomach, resulting in early tumours going unnoticed.
  • Doctors cannot tell from an ultrasound whether tissue is cancerous or not.

Endoscopic ultrasound is a type of ultrasound whereby the images are taken via an endoscope from within the patient’s body. Doctors may use this to stage stomach cancer.

Learn More: Medical Imaging >>

What Tests Could Doctors Use When Diagnosing Stomach Cancer?

After stomach cancer is detected, besides an endoscopic ultrasound, the following types of tests may also be used in addition to further diagnose or to stage the cancer:

  • CT Scan: A CT scan can help show if stomach cancer has spread to other organs or lymph nodes.
  • MRI Scan: An MRI may be used to detect tumours in the abdomen and pelvis areas.
  • PET Scan: A PET scan can also help see if stomach cancer has metastasised to other areas of the body.
  • X-Ray: Upper gastrointestinal series is a type of x-ray procedure the upper gastrointestinal organs are examined with the assistance of a barium solution (ingested by the patient) helps to show the organs more clearly on an X-ray.

When Should You Consult A Doctor On Your Stomach Health Concerns

Stomach cancer is treatable when detected early, with prognosis becoming much more unfavourable at the more advanced stages. It is hence best to seek medical attention if you experience stomach cancer symptoms that persist. Even if the symptoms experienced are not caused by stomach cancer, the underlying cause can be examined and treated by the doctor.

You should also consult a doctor on screening for stomach cancer if you have a family history of the disease.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Early symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Small amounts of food making you feel full or loss of appetite.
  • Eating results in bloated sensation.
  • Swallowing difficulties.
  • Indigestion or heartburn.
  • Burping frequently.

Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer In More Advanced Stages

Advanced stage stomach cancer symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting and sense of nausea.
  • Blood found in stool.
  • Unexplained weight loss.

Get An Appointment For Your Stomach Cancer Concerns

If you want to arrange for a gastroscopy, or have concerns about your stomach health or stomach cancer, we can help arrange for an appointment with a gastrointestinal doctor / surgeon. Contact us via the button below.

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.