What Is Rhinoplasty And What Is Involved In The Procedure?

What Is Rhinoplasty And What Is Involved In The Procedure?

What is rhinoplasty

What Is Rhinoplasty? Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgery to change or adjust the shape of your nose by modifying the bone or the cartilage. Whether done for aesthetic or health reasons, rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic surgery. You can for instance change the size of your nose, the shape of your nostrils, or the symmetry of the nose. 

Open Vs Closed Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed in one of two ways. Firstly, there is an open rhinoplasty, during which the surgeon will cut between the nostrils to reshape the nose. Closed rhinoplasty on the other hand involves the surgeon making small incisions inside the nostrils. Of the two options, open rhinoplasty is more common, and there are some results that cannot be achieved with closed rhinoplasty.

What Is Rhinoplasty Carried Out For?

For Cosmetic Reasons

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is done when the main consideration for the surgery is aesthetic change i.e. the patient wants the nose to have a different look. For instance, to alter the appearance of the nose which the patient feels is too small, too big, or is crooked.

Nose jobs for cosmetic reasons may involve surgery done to the bone in the nose, or to the cartilage at the base of the nose, or both.

For Functional Reasons

When the sole purpose of the surgery is to correct a breathing problem and to enable the patient to breath properly, then the operation is considered a functional rhinoplasty. It may also be carried out to correct any other functional problems with the patient’s nose.

Pre-Procedure Consultation

Before undergoing the surgery, you will have a consultation with your surgeon. In this consultation, they will examine your medical history to see whether you are suitable for rhinoplasty or not. In some cases, if the patient has hemophilia (a condition that causes a lot of bleeding) your surgeon will recommend against any elective surgery. 

In this consultation, your surgeon will also discuss with you the limitations in the reconstruction of your nose shape. This is because surgeons can only work with your original nose’s bone and cartilage structure. 

What Is Involved During The Procedure? 

You will be given local or general anaesthesia before they perform the procedure on you. 

The surgeon will make small cuts inside or between your nostrils, and they will separate the skin from the cartilage or bone before reshaping them. In a situation where your new nose needs additional cartilage, your surgeon may retrieve it from your ear or deep inside your nose. However, if the procedure requires a more chiselled look, they will instead trim the existing cartilage. Lastly, they will finish the procedure by closing your incisions and dissolving stitches. 

Rhinoplasty surgery may take up to about 4 hours

What Is The Post-Surgery Recovery Time?

Since rhinoplasty is done typically as an outpatient procedure, patients may go home the same day.

For the initial few days following surgery, you should keep your head elevated. Ice packs can be applied to reduce any swelling. Most of the swelling or bruising should disappear within a week following the surgery. During this time, you should be away from work to allow the nose time to heal. Post-surgery dressings and splints are removed a week after surgery.

Most patients should be able to confidently appear in public after an additional few more days.

Choose Only To Have Rhinoplasty Done At Qualified Hospitals And Clinics

Despite rhinoplasty being a most common cosmetic procedure, it is nonetheless a serious surgery that requires plenty of consideration on the part of the patient. That is why you need to go to a proper hospital or clinic that provides accurate information, have the requisite qualifications and certifications, and have in place the necessary legal processes in relation to nasal surgery.

This article may interest you if you are considering rhinoplasty in Thailand.

Further Reading

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This article is informative only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.